don't drink the water in the Bay Area

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SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - With water shortages a possibility looming in the state's future, this city's starting to look at what it would take to turn sewage back into water that's pure enough to drink.
"This is a homegrown resource. It is the most reliable supply you can have," said Eric Rosenblum, division manager for San Jose's South Bay Water [COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Recycling[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] Project.
The [COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Santa [/FONT][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Clara[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] Valley Water District and the city of San Jose are partnering in initial discussions of the potentially controversial idea.
If they can get the public to support the plan, millions of gallons of purified waste water could one day be pumped back into the aquifers the county now relies on for half of its drinking water. The other half comes from the Sacramento-[COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]San [/FONT][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Joaquin[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] River [COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]delta[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR].
Officials noted that technology exists to treat sewage water using methods such as [COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]reverse [/FONT][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]osmosis[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], microfiltration and ultraviolet light, and render it pure enough to meet California drinking water standards. But they also explained the idea is still in its initial phase, and a final, detailed proposal isn't expected until next year.
Some water districts in the state have already moved ahead with similar projects.
The [COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Orange [/FONT][COLOR=green! important][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]County[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] Water District will inaugurate in November a plant that will recycle up to 70 million gallons of waste water a day, then use it to recharge drinking water aquifers.
But in some areas where the process was proposed the plans were derided as sending water from "toilet to tap" and the public wasn't interested. "What we don't want to end up with is what's happened in other areas where you have fear and politics cause a backlash," said Keith Whitman, water supply manager for the Santa Clara Valley Water District, promising to take a cautious approach.
But in some areas where the process was proposed the plans were derided as sending water from "toilet to tap"
nothing really wrong with it, just not a pleasant thought.
California can NEVER be asked to assume responsibility for it's own problems.

What we SHOULD do is ship bottled water in from other, less-cool states like Idaho. At that point we can hook up huge showers to rain perrier down on Beverly Hills at Idaho's expense.

And Compton can drink their own pee.

California is such a shitpile.
California can NEVER be asked to assume responsibility for it's own problems.

What we SHOULD do is ship bottled water in from other, less-cool states like Idaho. At that point we can hook up huge showers to rain perrier down on Beverly Hills at Idaho's expense.

And Compton can drink their own pee.

California is such a shitpile.
I live about 20 minutes from Idaho, do I suck by proximity :(
I guess I don't see the issue with this? It is not like you are going to drink it straight from the res. I think that it is a good idea that we look at it more closely. There are a lot of grey water systems that are making themselves a viable alternative.
Unless you are drinking rain water all the time, guess what it was dirty at some point. Shit is shit in my book, does not matter if it came out of my ass or moby dick. Its all dirty man
if your town has a sewage treatment plant, you too have drank shit water.
i'm pretty sure most sewage treatment plants only treat the water to be returned to the enviroment or used for things like watering lawns or washing cars

i just read a story about a family that had tasted a lot of chlorine in their water and found out the inlets for fresh and treated water had been switched by their plumber so they were drinking processed water
Oh weird another bash Cali thread..... I was raised in the Bay Area and the water is actually really good, you can drink it from the tap, unlike here in Southern Cali, Los Angeles area. Whats next a thread on how horrible the water is in Mexico????? Unbelievable. Find a new state to bash already
the whole bashing Cali thing is getting old, maybe I will just avoid threads that say #725874587349574397 why Cali sucks. Oh yeah jealousy is a mother f*@#!@.
Who's bashing? We are just pointing out the fact that this idea is nothing new? Unless they are talking about drinking straight from the outlet pipe - thats a different story.
Cali rox my sox, and yes integraslut.. the bay area is known for having the best tap water around. Bay area tap water is about the same as a 2 month old Brita filter.

Cali rox my sox, and yes integraslut.. the bay area is known for having the best tap water around. Bay area tap water is about the same as a 2 month old Brita filter.


OMG look who it is....... You slut what are you doing??? I have more posts than you now.... :ph34r:
Cali rox my sox, and yes integraslut.. the bay area is known for having the best tap water around. Bay area tap water is about the same as a 2 month old Brita filter.

I lost your number homie! Where are you living now? I'm in Fremont now.
I lost your number homie! Where are you living now? I'm in Fremont now.

Mike, he is in Walnut Creek, if you want and he doesn't get back to you let me know and I will PM you his digitz yo.