droid > iphone

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I just picked up the iPhone for Verizon just the other week, I'm used to the whole itouch feel, so the phone is nothing new. In all honesty I love this phone and have 0 complaints with the phone or it's service.
I did take time to fool around on a droid and found it to be semi confusing and not appealing, but it always comes down to personal opinions.

/end. My .02

Yeah for people who are use to one big desktop with every icon laid out on it. It's confusing to go to something a little more detailed where you can move things around to anyplace you want, within tabs or on different page swipes, I can drag my screen left right up down and have different pages for each direction, and adding even more pages to go even farther out. One can be for wifi/blue tooth details, another for all my e-mails, one for all games, one for photos. I can zoom in and zoom out seeing all the details of every page, or I can hit 1 little button and it gives me a big clusterfuck like Iphone with every app/option on one screen. Where I can drag and drop the icons to move them around just like the Iphone. I can even make my home screen look just like the iphone for people who like a desktop filled with everything, so no one gets confused as to where their 50 apps are. Where are they!!!! oh wait, they're right on my desktop just do 7 swipes to the right.... oh there it is!


I like clean.

My phone home screen has the time, weather, then under that I have 8 icons I use daily.

Internet, Google Translate, Maps, Camera,

People, Gmail, Messages, Mail

for anything else I swipe in the direction I've placed them, or I hit the app button and it shows me the iphone clusterfuck layout.

Did you jailbreak yours yet? First thing I did with my Iphone. It's a must do thing. I also just picked up an Ipod for next to nothing. I need to jailbreak that one also.

Don't get me wrong, I use my Iphone very often..... when I'm shitting. Free apps FTW.
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