eat this hands on kitchen

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That’s how you get ants
chicken saltimbocca.

and it was fucking good. the fucking came later :D

exactly reiko. im trying to lose some weight by not eating to my fill every meal, so this was perfect for my date and i. she LOVED it. probably some of the best chicken i have ever made without a grill.
i slaved over a hot stove making this for 30 minutes and no replies :( all of you must go to your moms to eat.
Meh... I'd eat it.

But then again, I'd eat pretty much anything so that doesn't say much.

Next time take some closer shots, I can barely see what it looks like.

But :thumbsup: to some good 'ol home cooked food.


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hey, i'm sorry i didn't reply right away, but i didn't know wtf chicken saltimbocca was. ingredients or wtf is on the chikkin might make us all :drool: next time ;).

ps men that cook get sex. it's a fact.
Looks good! :thumbsup: You need some garnish around the plate though.
chicken breast
fresh sage leaves
prosciutto ham, thinly sliced

white minute rice
french onion dip mix (try it... works great)

dry white wine
lemon juice
Looks good! :thumbsup: You need some garnish around the plate though.
display would be better without the foil "pan" and the tongs int he background
look tasty
didn't think you were a chef, nice meal
pics of the date?
wtf? i thought she was away in the military?
that bitch is like crack to you huh?
she came home in september.

yeah basically. good thing i dont have anything into her anymore but my dick and a few meals.
i slaved over a hot stove making this for 30 minutes and no replies :( all of you must go to your moms to eat.

alright fine i guess i'll have to start posting pics of the awesome filet minion i make, or my homemade burgers. i didnt know this was recipeswap too haha
I missed this post, looks good but it would look better if you posted it on with a full write up on how to make it.

It's not about my recipes, its about anyones recipes and questions about the recipes.

post it up y0