halo 3 anyone....cmon i know you play

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whats up people, i work graveyards (nights, to a coal miner). girlfriend works days, i get home in the morning and play halo 3 when theres nothing to do, home by my self yes. any way my gamertag is JDM B18c TurBo im a 47 overall skill but im down to chill and talk about rides, my rides, your rides, babys mama rides whatever. hit me up. include "hswap" in your text upon friend request.
i love halo but part 3 just sucked i beat it in about 4 hours
no, they fixed melees a month ago. when you melee and your opponent melees simultaneously , you both die at the same time. the game is getting better, i play every once in a while and i still own
I guess I gotta get live again. lol. I didn't know if they would change that. I've been playing COD4 and Army of Two lately.
You know, *bows head in shame* I bought it when it first came out, then decided to start buying parts for my build. Now it's what, a gazillion years later and I STILL haven't even OPENED my Halo 3 ultimate...or whatever it's called with the helmet in it, box yet. Is that sad, or does that mean that I would rather play with cars nowadays? haha I figured spending $350 on a B16 head would yield more fun in the end than spending the same amount on a 360. Trust me though, whenever I look at the box, I start salivating all over the place, go into convulsions, then want to play it.
Add me ima pretty awesome in halo 3 my gamertage is tonymontanakilz my skill level is 23 cuz its a new account but if I would have kept my other one I would be in da 40's too
what dont you understand ? can you read english ? take some classes it might help:fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou:
what dont you understand ? can you read english ? take some classes it might help:fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou:

are you kidding me? Your last post was like one from a 3rd grader. No puncuation, shitty spelling and horribly hard to read run on sentences. Yet you tell him to take some classes? For real, don't be a fucking prick.