hd vs blu ray over

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so i saw hd-dvd in best buy the other day. i still use my ps2 for watching dvds. should i just wait to see what happens and buy regular dvd for the time being?if i buy an xbox 360 go ahead with blu-ray. or should i just stop being a cheap ass and buy a new dvd player?
i wouldn't buy a hiu-def player yet. the only ones worth a damn are $1000 bucks.

I'd wait to see how this all settles out.
alright, i'll stick with the shitty, old school dvds.
Just do what I do, Comcast cable on demand HD movies. =)
lol. i hope this actually turns out well. i wonder what we will end up calling this new format if they will play on both players...i guess itll still be dvd or something.

oh well. dvd prices will go down so im happy. im usually anal rententive about dvd > vhs, but i dont think i will be as bad about hd > dvd. We'll wait and see. Ill have a ps3, so if worse comes to worst ill at least have blu ray.
What, the 2 movies they have in HD on demand....Hmm, Bad Boys or the Birdcage? Next!

If you tend to only get the movies that are free.... Cheap ass.
I get a shitload of HD movies.

and the normal ones.

Plus you can Paypervew HD movies too. at least I think you can.
Just do what I do, Comcast cable on demand HD movies. =)

That's a really cool idea..... but only if you have the following:
A Hi-def TV
A Hi-def Receiver
Optical Audio
Component Video....or HDMI

What good is Hi- Def to me?
None, I still have a perfectly good tube TV
.... it even came with a nifty "wood-look" cabinet that's on wheels.
Who's pimpin' hard NOW huh?:tpp: http://tvindy.typepad.com/tvindy/images/old_tv.html


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my grandma doesn't even have one of those any more... get with the times man....
Im gonna wait although the HD DVD players and movies are sic and do make a difference tested them when i was a sales manager at best buy
and what do you think they play? a dvd, upconverted. its still not true HD.
Not true, most of the movies are newer and offer HD. they have 2 different movie titles for those, one is HD the other is not HD.

The older movies I agree, they just remaster it or some chit.
dvd supports 480p.
that;s EDTV.

hidef is set at 720p.

cable/sat broadcast at 1080i

in order to get there, the source needs to be upconverted.
line doubling, double frame rate speeds, etc..