#$^%ing Emos

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so i normally like to think of myself as a pretty tolerant person. i don't care what you do just dont shove it my face, you know. something about emos drive me up a wall. they are so fucking annoying. so me and the wife are walking through the mall the other day when we come up on this group of like 3 emos. they are blocking the walking area so i say excuse me and try to go through. well they just kinda stand there and look at me. so i just bump one out of the way and walk through, my wife follows and as we are walking away one of called me a faggot. i turned around and laughed at him, saying that it wasn't very insulting coming from an emo. i guess i pissed him off but it didn't bother me much but then i heard him say something about my wife, well, im not sure what they said but it was enough. i turn around again and walk up to this little punk and ask him what he said. he told me to fuck off, sooooo, i punched him in the face, i didn't really mean to but this guy just set me off. i almost feel bad for it because he just fell on the ground and started rolling around saying his nose was broke. i look at the other 2 and one of them starts running at me like hes going to tackle me. i just stuck my foot out and let him run into it. it would have been funny if i wasn't so pissed. he gets up and i punch him in the jaw and he drops too. im looking for the other one cause he got behind me. i turn around in time to see my wife kick him in the balls and then knee him in the face. 3 emos down only 9878754435677654 to go.
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so you walked away without assault charges?

MSI said:
While you're cracking faggot jokes I'll be out fucking your girlfriend.... In the ass!
we RAN out, without assault charges. it was right by the parking garage entrance and it only took about 2 mins to kick the shit out of them.
Shouldn't this be in the kill stories section? lol. Emo's PWN3D.
Reenactment video please! Seriously, I'm with you and your decision making for the situation.... Damn all emos. You and your wife should fight crime =D
your wife would be the Fiery Bush :ph34r:

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Hot damn, that's just fucking ridiculous.

Moses won't work for a crime fighting name... How about "Blade"? I know it's taken, but damn is it relevant for fighting emos =D
you could perform wwf moves on them... like the Razors Edge. (oh its real)