Lego Sears Tower??

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dude, nice find B. that is freaking insanely sweet.

I might have to build myself one of them now...
oh sweet I didn't have to bump this myself. I ordered some 1x6 plates and got them yesterday. I'll have some pic updates shortly, still haven't reached the 90th floor as I think I ran out of 1x1 blocks. I saw that engine a while back, coolest fucking thing ever. aside from my tower.
I just ordered 60 2x1 clear bricks and 100 1x1 black bricks. If I recall, I'm still right around 85 or 88 stories complete. (I've not updated my signature in 2 months)...

how far should that get you??? i havent been keeping up with the blocks per floor count
when you're done with this, what do you plan to do with it?? Sell it? mount it on your fireplace? make sweet love to it at night?
Just out of curiosity how much $ is invested in this project at this point, and how much more is required before it's completed?
when you're done with this, what do you plan to do with it?? Sell it? mount it on your fireplace? make sweet love to it at night?

I'll admire it for years to come.

Option 3.

That too. :ph34r:

Just out of curiosity how much $ is invested in this project at this point, and how much more is required before it's completed?

I lost count around $300ish over the past 10 months. I started it late december 2008.
That's quite a.... actually no, that's pretty cheap for a hobby. Maybe I should take up Legos. :lol:
Yeah its cost me around 30 a month. I hadn't really worked on it a whole lot since October. I don't even remember touching it through November really.

This one is about half the price due to the fact that quite a bit of it has come from the legos in my childhood collection.
Pics when you get the next bit done. And that is damn cheap really.
Ok so I have 84 stories completely done, with 1/12th of the sides up to the 89th story where the last setbacks will occur.

When I get everything up to that 89th story, I'll be in the home stretch with a mere 18 stories left. I already used up all my window pieces I just ordered so I gotta get more.
I think if I were to build a lego scale model it would be something like a famous battleship or something. buildings are cool and all, but it's kind of plain.
Where are you ordering your pieces from? I might start the Empire State building or something...