Matts96HB's EJ6 Build

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how do you guys like those tires? I have heard they are some of the best on the market. Kinda like the goodyear eagle f1's.
I love em, that was one of the reasons why I kept the set of wheels. They stick awesome in dry conditions and they still do fairly well in wet conditions as well.
Yes, please do tell.

I just had to replace my awesome uniroyal rainsports, and I got General Exclaims, and they aren't worth much. Now I'm looking for tires to put on the Z.

Nice looking bro. So, it was the grounds..... heh. I'll bow out now.
It was a combination of the grounds and a crappy battery, but yes, you were correct.

I think the problem with the grounds was paint in the threads :thumbsdown:

Dunno if I'll see any parts today, nothing on the doorstep when I walked in a minute ago :(
So the manifold is supposed to be here either today or tomorrow.. and it better be today damnit.

Im going to get the last two fittings I need in a second, as well as a nut to make a bung for the oil pan fitting. Might also pick up some oil and antifreeze while im out today.

Edit: also adjusted the rear ride height last night, its too low now though. It does look good though.
nice,cant wait to see more pix..i just got oil,filter,coolant for my ride,and i too am going to be adjusting ride height within the next couple days
Golden Eagle vacuum mani is here. Shiiabang

Ill go take some pics of my hatch lol its dumped. But not to my liking, its way too low.

You got coils on your ride injen?
a little lower than last time :p

nice ass ;)

yea the wheels are tuckin now, but i dont think thats gonna work, its gonna rub



another of the side

Got some vacuum fittings and other random bits for this today

And this came as well

Hopefully the mani gets here sometime today =/
I'm going to kill somebody.

The manifold was supposed to be here either monday, tuesday, or today.

Its wednesday. No manifold.

Shipping fucks me in the ass once again.
Try waiting 3+ months for a progress sway bar :X

Everything looks good man, can't wait til you actually get your mani ^^/.
thats one thing i hate...waiting for shipped items.//fuckin worst
:werd: Its pissin me off man. I cant get anything done without it.
Try waiting 3+ months for a progress sway bar :X

Everything looks good man, can't wait til you actually get your mani ^^/.
Dude thats a ridiculous wait.. I'd murder someone.

Thanks man, me either.
you must be using ups right? they took a two weeks to get me an xbox game from chicago... where fed ex took 4 days to ship me a game from reno.

and the fed ex was free shipping lol win!

too bad its taking so long, man i wanna see that fucker
Haha. USPS is all I can use over here.

I'm actually looking forward to having a choice of carriers in a few days.
I have never really had a problem with the shipper themselves. It was always the company I bought shit from messing it up.
Yeah after what I heard yesterday it very well could be the company. I'm going to be making some calls today.
I didn't hear anything, it was on my doorstep this morning. Shitty thing is, I'm going to be in Seattle this weekend. So no updates for a couple days :( Prolly not till Sunday.
So its been awhile since I've updated.. well here we go..

Im always working on this damn thing, trying to get stuff buttoned up.

Edit: Pics would be nice eh?






So my pics are kinda wierd.. but I like em :thumbsup:

Almost there, looking at startup by this weekend.
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