My 79 1200

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Well on topic I feel the car is coming along nicely, on the other topic, no excuse or justifying anything but we have all done dumb shit

Yeah, but some of us do dumb shit for a few years, realize that it was dumb, and then stop doing dumb shit from that point on. What's your excuse there?
"Full Retard" eh - that explains a lot...
shitty picture dump


from this... rurnt isnt it
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Why do you put stickers on your cars? Honest question

honestly ? no excuse for it or reasoning , its not like I plaster brand name decals to parts that aren't on the car, they are either stickers that came with parts I bought, or decals I liked and bought at meets or off the internet, a lot of people do not find them tasteful and think they look tacky, and the other half love it, I personally like it, but one day i'm sure I will get bored of it, and take them off
lol just for information , I didnt take that picture, it was at the "Save the SOHC" meet last sunday, it was a waste of time going, and I have no idea who the kid is in the picture