My First Blemish

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Pete- I agree about the lack of respect thing. She clearly doesn't appreciate how good Chris is to her. Chris is just a very generous person, he also enjoys the act of giving, so it's really too bad that Brie is such an idiot about this. It could be factors of her young age (so a lack of experience and being immature), stress from her wacko family (and they are nuts), and juggling school and work. She also doesn't understand that shit just happens with old cars, especially when they aren't Hondas.

But I really don't think that she's cheating on him. She lives at home and it's a small town.
Originally posted by TurboMirage@Dec 23 2003, 07:08 PM
we'll see how it goes for now.

Chris- You're a good guy and you like doing stuff for your friends. Don't change. You just can't expect that everything you do will be rewarded in an equal way by others. So see how it goes and stay with certain friends according to how they behave... this goes for all the people in your life. You can't change what a person is and there are plenty of fish in the sea...

So either accept Brie for what she is right now, or move on. She may get better as the years go by, but she also may not. *shrug*
Originally posted by TurboMirage@Dec 24 2003, 01:45 AM
its like a double edge sword.

Haha... sort of, but at your age it shouldn't be. At 20, no way is Brie going to be your last gf. No insult intended to her. It's just that you two aren't done growing yet, or at least I hope you're not. I've told you before, just relax about everything and chill. Just go with the flow... and tell her I want her to do the same. If you focus too much on this relationship, then you'll miss out on so much else that life has to offer you. Don't sweat this small stuff.
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal@Dec 24 2003, 01:05 AM
...You just can't expect that everything you do will be rewarded in an equal way by others. So see how it goes and stay with certain friends according to how they behave... this goes for all the people in your life. You can't change what a person is...

Very well said, Martine. (edited to make a more generic statement) Good words to live by for all. A good message and a good thing to remind oneself of from time to time!