My own Breakfast

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she needs an intervention. shes an alcoholic and if its not taken care of soon, it will control her whole life.
this is something that she will never get over, ask any sober alcoholic, you may be sober but theres not a moment that passes that you dont want to get a drink.

you want to help her, convince her to go get help.

she needs an intervention. shes an alcoholic and if its not taken care of soon, it will control her whole life.
this is something that she will never get over, ask any sober alcoholic, you may be sober but theres not a moment that passes that you dont want to get a drink.

you want to help her, convince her to go get help.
She's only marginally worse than I was at that age.

In fact, I fear for her because I know what kind of pain is in store for her. The problem with rescuing her vs myself (Who had to do this the hard way) is that easy lessons or forcing someone doesn't go through all the steps.

No one ever turns to Jesus on prom night.

Now what I think may be all in my head. I'm like that, so beware. Things tend to be far more sinister to me than they actually are. It's more likely that she's less of a problem than I was. If I can't get her out of this family though, they can perpetuate it VERY far. My family didn't do this, only my friends did. They wound up leaving me. A family (good or bad) is forever.

I'm no stranger to this lifestyle, believe me. If it gets to be as bad as what I went through, then the memories that (are already) seep(ing) through are enough to throw me over the edge into something that I know I will become, and don't ever want to. I promised myself suicide before a return to it.
This is kind of turning into a lot of drama. A relationship shouldn't be made public like this. To this extent, anyway. If you need to post all of these things up there for people to dissect, then I'm sure it's only going to get worse from here. It also throws out there the idea that you're not ready for this kind of thing. I'm all for getting ideas from people, as pretty much everyone knows, but this is almost like you need a step-by-step. I think you should sit down and write out a battle plan. Steps that you want to take, and a time limit in order to execute them. No one knows better what's going on than you.

And I know this is hard, and everyone does it...probably a lot. But you should probably stop comparing her to how you were at that age. Reason one: the more you relate her to your experiences, the more attached you'll become and I think at this stage in the game, that's not healthy at all. Reason two, and I know you already know this, but you are two different people. What she does now may be similar, but not the same or for the same reasons. I think something to do that might work, is give her some time to get all this out. Don't say anything, act like it's okay, I think like you've said before. But don't take it all away at once. Let her know after some time that it's getting to you. If she doesn't change her ways, you'll slowly start to wean her off of the relationship. If she cares like she says she does (I'm sure she cares, but to the extent she implies), she will realize that in order to keep you around, she'll need to change. If she doesn't, she's either not ready for that kind of relationship, or she just needs to grow out of her unacceptable habits to fit someone else's lifestyle.
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This is kind of turning into a lot of drama. A relationship shouldn't be made public like this. To this extent, anyway. If you need to post all of these things up there for people to dissect, then I'm sure it's only going to get worse from here. It also throws out there the idea that you're not ready for this kind of thing. I'm all for getting ideas from people, as pretty much everyone knows, but this is almost like you need a step-by-step. I think you should sit down and write out a battle plan. Steps that you want to take, and a time limit in order to execute them. No one knows better what's going on than you.

To uncle cel's defense, he's got a plan. He just doesn't share it with everyone publicly.
I know he has a plan. I'm just saying write it down. That makes it more concrete and gives him less of a chance of backstepping.

I just think this relationship is a little more public than any normal person would be comfortable with...
To everyone here she's a name on a screen. Nothing more. I think it's interesting to share your life on screen.

The people here that I meet up with are all not only tactful enough, but have also had their share of bad shit to not make a big deal.

Perhaps you're right, I'm sure she wouldn't want it posted. I guess things just cascaded down and out.
I'm retarded.

At least you got to sample the goods per se.

And have fun man. You're too strung up. Life's too short to worry about this and that. Do your thing.
Oh cmon, seriously? Are you supposed to beg her to stay or is she serious? *sigh*
I don't know what to do. If I can continue I can try to convince her otherwise. But if she doesn't stay, then all I'm doing is using and being used. If I don't try then I'm definately going to lose.

bleh. I have one more shot at it, then It's over.
She obviously feels that moving to CA is her only chance to get out. So, you should support her. Help her feel better about it; but don't stop her.

If you stop her, and she continues to be miserable, you will become the reason she's miserable.
Ya. Really tough to let go. I hate having the answers for people who don't care to get them. Like watching a train wreck.
does she have a job and a place to live already set up out there?

if not, its bullshit

ive seen this card pulled before

Gee thanks. I didn't do it for the attention though. I did it to leave.

I had a place set up, it just happened to be with an ogre.

But, I don't know about this whole thing anymore. If it was me, I would've probably ditched out on it a long time ago. But I also know what's it's like to be attached to someone and try to help them, even if they don't take it.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
does she have a job and a place to live already set up out there?

if not, its bullshit

ive seen this card pulled before
She's moving out with her younger neice and her neices boyfriend, and some other random goths.

Whatever. If she's with me, she's near her family. Out there, she's away. getting bored of drinking and being a goth > being an apt pupil.
Take this as a sign then. Like you explained to me once, everything happens for a reason. Just think a little more on it and then tell me what you think.