My Rant of the Day!

  • Thread starter Thread starter serrilion
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In my own little world!
So im driving back from my long trip to Glens Falls, New York today... I get back into my town of Middlebury, and decided I need some quick food and gas. So im driving threw town and this other red civic pulls up behind me and rides my ass, I break check him twice he backs off but seems like he is going to fallow me everywere I go, so I go to the gas station pull in and get out. The Man in the red civic jump out of his, comes over to me, tells me that I shouldn't be driving like a retard around town and I should learn to up shift. my reply is nothing but a laph and I look at him and say is this you car? He says well no, I say then Shut the .... Up! if I want to drive threw Middlebury in 3rd Gear at 25mph at 1.6k then I fucking can.... He backs away and gets in his car and leaves... sigh* seriously what is wrong with 3rd gear? middlebury got some hills en I don't feel like being in 4th.. haha
I know what it's like. I had the same thing happen to me the other day and I told him "I could be a d-bag and keep it in first the whole time and keep it at 5 and a half thousand and have it louder then anything but I have no reason to. I drive how I want, I'm not hurting anyone."
the guy sounded like a douche bag

you shoulda pointed out to him that him riding your ass was more unsafe than you riding around in 3rd doing 25mph
damn 3rd gear at 25mph.....i would stall, fuck my b16 with ls tranny
lol, well i dont have a B16 :P, I got a little 1.5L D15b with the LSD trany, it holds it own, and trust me 3rd was 1.6k maybe lower I wasent really looking
yeah man i dont know what the fuck that guy was talking about, most honda engines dont get loud untill 3.5k+rpm.

you should have told him to shut the fuck up and call the police or some one that gives a fuck because you dont.

some people just bitch about anything.
maybe he was just trying to warn you about the cops in the area?
who knows
all i'm saying is people usually don't get all butt hurt about your driving unless you're being an assbag

i think there's maybe more to the story
nah, folks get butthurt all the time because i drive the speed limit.

when they get in front of me i turn on my fogs and blind the fuck out of them.
So im driving back from my long trip to Glens Falls, New York today... I get back into my town of Middlebury, and decided I need some quick food and gas. So im driving threw town and this other red civic pulls up behind me and rides my ass, I break check him twice he backs off but seems like he is going to fallow me everywere I go, so I go to the gas station pull in and get out. The Man in the red civic jump out of his, comes over to me, tells me that I shouldn't be driving like a retard around town and I should learn to up shift. my reply is nothing but a laph and I look at him and say is this you car? He says well no, I say then Shut the .... Up! if I want to drive threw Middlebury in 3rd Gear at 25mph at 1.6k then I fucking can.... He backs away and gets in his car and leaves... sigh* seriously what is wrong with 3rd gear? middlebury got some hills en I don't feel like being in 4th.. haha

So im driving back from my long trip to Glens Falls, New York today... I get back into my town of Middlebury, and decided I need some quick food and gas. So im driving through town and this other red civic pulls up behind me and rides my ass, I brake check him twice he backs off but seems like he is going to follow me everywere I go, so I go to the gas station pull in and get out. The Man in the red civic jumps out of his, comes over to me, tells me that I shouldn't be driving like a retard around town and I should learn to up shift. my reply is nothing but a laugh and I look at him and say is this you car? He says well no, I say then Shut the FUCK Up! if I want to drive through Middlebury in 3rd Gear at 25mph at 1.6k then I fucking can.... He backs away and gets in his car and leaves... sigh* seriously what is wrong with 3rd gear? middlebury got some hills and I don't feel like being in 4th.. haha

Sorry, I'm being an ass. I had to.