Need help with water leak on 1990 crx HF

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Junior Member
Hi, everybody. I've done a lot of work on other cars in the past, but the most I've done to my 1990 crx HF is taking off the valve cover and adjusting the valves.
I've developed a very bad water leak. The car is up on jackstands right now. I refilled the radiator and it started to leak from the driver side of the engine. I went under the car to see where it's coming from. It's dripping from a bolt right next to the alternator, but it SEEMS to be coming from somewhere above that and running along the edge of the plastic cover, then running over to that bolt where it starts to drip.
My first thought was, "Wonderful, a head gasket." I checked the oil, and thankfully there is no water in it.
Any ideas? Thanks for the help, Don.
OK. The top and bottom radiator hoses are on the passenger side of the engine, along with the heater hoses. They don't appear to be leaking. (I thought maybe they could be leaking and then the water might be running along the block if the car isn't level and then dripping down that plastic cover.) Where is the water pump? I would think it would be near all the other driven accessories, but I didn't see it. Is it behind that plastic cover?
I'll have to look after work tomorrow. There just wasn't any time tonight. Man, I hope this doesn't turn into a nightmare.
Well, once again - no time tonight. So little time before it gets dark, and so many things that absolutely need to be done. Nothing should get in my way tomorrow, though. I hope.
I've got a Hayne's manual...... somewhere. When you mention hoses and lines near the pump, it makes me think/hope that something like that could be my problem. I put water in the radiator, and it leaks right back out without even having the engine running. That sounds like a hose or something similar to me. We'll see. Tomorrow.