Need to make flyers

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i've lost my "creative" chain of thought for the day. no longer care if he gets them on time or not. cheap f***
lol blanco, your new avatar rocks :P

downshift, did you call dave mars?
nah. some printing people here in town. they are our local ripoff's. they gave a quote and i exaggerated the number a "little" :D. cheap f***! excuse the anger. i really hate working for really stupid and cheap people. and senior citizens. the father is 65 and, don't remember shit and easily confused. if you're retired STAY HOME!!!

i liked the penguins from Madagascar. they are smarter then the assholes i work with
I need to design some flyers for my job but all i have on my computer is Microsoft Works and I hate their cheesy preset flyers. Any help?:mellow:

NHL - Philadelphia Flyers... I was bored.