never loan anyone money... rant

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go over there with a document that says
"i agree to pay XXX a month for the next X months, due on the first of each month. Each day late will be assed at 5% late fee and added to the total."

if he refuses to sign it, tell him you have no choice but to take him to small claims court (even though, you shouldn't, because you'll get laughed at without having anything in writing.

make it reasonable... 200 a month or something for the amount of months it takes to get it all back.

If all else fails, fuck his gf :)

yea.. i'll have to come up with something..

another incident a few months ago..
his GF contacted me saying he got paid and she was gonna transfer $500 into my bank account.. well, he ended up saying no and i didnt get shit that month.. she says he does what he wants and cant make him do anything.. but she's pretty sure he's gonna pay me back .. maybe not right away (well apparently) .. but soon.. but again, heard that before

oh and i'll pass on her.. i've known her longer than my fiance .. not my cup of tea..
What on earth did he tell you that made you believe that although he is $2000 short this month, the next month he'd have a spare $2000 kicking around?

Friend or not, I don't do loans anywhere near that amount. Maybe 50 bucks or less, and I have done that. But when I loan them the money, I tell them not to worry about paying me back. They always have, but when I hand the cash over, I just give it away not expecting anything in return. That way there are no hard feelings when it doesn't come back. But you really do have to just give it away and forget about it. Don't just act.

There was a book I read that suggests that instead of loaning money, you give the money to them, and in return take a promise to help someone else out when they need it. You don't expect repayment, the friend is not allowed to repay, and hopefully they do the same thing and cause a chain reaction. If everyone did that the world would be a different place.
I was going to say buy him some candles and a hoodie to save him some dough. That was before I realized how much money it was and that he spends his money like water. I'd be fucking pissed.

But seriously, I'm with B. Payment plans actually work. Especially with interest involved. That's how my Fraternity gets the members to pay dues every year. And there you're talking about broke college guys who like to get drunk a lot. Few have $600+ at one time, but $20-$50 a month/week/whatever, got them paid.
F putting it in writing,

Unless you get something for collateral never give anyone money unless you're ok with not getting it back.If you're willing to give someone money as a gift, with hopes of maybe getting it back one day that's fine. but never give someone money assuming you'll get paid back, if anything it will just push your friendship apart.
yea.. but he likes to go out and spend tons of money on dinner and shit w/ his GF.. thats the part that pisses me off the most.. if he didnt go out to expensive dinners for a month he could have paid me back long ago.. because of him i will never lend anyone money again.. well only a select few i'd lend money too.. only because i know for a fact they'd pay me back

Dude, that guy sucks. I really hate irresponsible people like that, when it comes to not paying back, yet going out all of the freakin' time. *rolls left eye* Good luck man. I hope the bast...err, guy, pays everything back that's owed to you.
i've already told myself i'm not getting the rest basically.. if i do.. hell yea.. but i'm not really expecting to
i never loan money to a friend. but will offer to give them the money and they can pay me back if they want. loaning money to friends makes for enemys that owe you money. forget the $700. call it stupid tax and "DON'T LOAN MONEY TO FRIENDS".
ok $1300 let it go.

all it's going to do is eat you up. $1300 is not worth getting an ulser over. just next time remember "DON'T LOAN MONEY TO FRIENDS". It might sound mean. but if you let it go you will feel better.
That reminds me, I owe mark 30 bucks. i forgot to go to the bank today. eg, can I borrow 30 bucks? :D
all it's going to do is eat you up. $1300 is not worth getting an ulser over. just next time remember "DON'T LOAN MONEY TO FRIENDS". It might sound mean. but if you let it go you will feel better.

waiting for my money aint gonna do shit to me... its not like i'm stressing out over it.

advice is not what i was looking for.. just ranting
I generally dislike anyone who just goes out and spends crazy money. Owed to someone else or not. It's a waste of money. Once in awhile sure. All the time? Get a better hobby.
Never loan money to family or friends. In writing or not. Don't get involved in business with family or friends. It just causes too many problems. I say this from personal experience. I would give my friends the shirt off my back without hesitation. Not criticizing you at all, you tried to do the right thing and help, he obviously doesn't make you a priority. I suggest you mail him a picture of yourself every month with a payment coupon, similar to a credit card. Probably will make him feel like an asshole and guilt him into paying you something. Can't hurt.
If you get him to sign off on a payment plan then you have something in writing that he admits you loaned him 2000 and he still owes 1300 to you and already paid 700

i'd take this route
well.. never heard from him yesterday.. if i dont get a call sometime today i'll call him around 7 or 8 so i know he wont be at work and will have no reason to not answer his phone
call every hour on the hour.
leave a voicemail saying you'll be calling back in a hour.

eventually, he'll get sick of you and just answer :)
well i know he works for a pretty big contractor.. so when his GF says hes busy i believe it.. but there is no excuse to not call back later unless he forgot... so i'll call him at 5pm when most people would be off work.. then at 6, 7,8,9... you get the point.. if he turns his phone off i'll go over there
call him at random times during the night :) if he works as much as you're saying, he will need all the sleep he can get.. few weeks of getting woken up in the middle of the night would motivate me pretty good!
well, i called the other night and no answer... so i called the next day around 12 noon and said "Hey Dan, its clint.. trying to get a hold of you.. alright, i'll try back in a bit".. within 2 hrs i got a call back from him..

he's apparently been getting caught up on his utilities because they had been stacking up at his old house..
oh yea.. forgot to mention he's moved out of his house and is renting again.. because he couldnt afford the loan givin to him.. figures.. so between deposits and getting caught up on bills (which he just did) he hasnt had any $$.. he gets paid in 2 weeks and it doesnt have to go towards rent, so he's gonna see what he can afford to give me.. *crosses fingers*