no texting and driving kids

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what a fucking retard.. i get really pissed off when i see people on their phones and driving.. but they sit at a light and wait for it to turn green before they make a right turn, even though its completely clear for 1 mile .. because they're too occupied on the phone.. i wanna run those people off the road.. but i usually just yell at the top of my lungs when i pull up next to them.. "get off the phone dumbass!!"
i dont turn right on red. you never know when some dumbass is going to come flying through the intersection not paying attention.
yea.. but when its obviously clear for atleast a 1/2 mile..
I always wanted to pull up next to someone that was on the phone at a redlight, and mash the horn with my hood right beside their open window... then make a quick right... :ph34r:
^ lol.

That's why you learn to text without looking at your phone :o
lmao!! yup i saw this one to ath streetfire hahah what a stupid fuck! yup dont text and drive kids you see what happens :D
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Haha pretty funny. Are there any laws against texting and driving? I thought I heard somewhere there was....
Haha pretty funny. Are there any laws against texting and driving? I thought I heard somewhere there was....

I know in my area there is a law agianst using a cell phone without a hands free device (ie bluetooth) but it does not mention texting. I have heard that they state is talking about amending the law to include texting however.
i text and drive all the time....sometimes when i race lol. i also drive with me knee, eat and play with the radio while texting all at the same time :)
i dont turn right on red. you never know when some dumbass is going to come flying through the intersection not paying attention.

Right on red freaks me out too. I still freak out when I see someone do it, or ride with someone when they do it.

I'll wait for the light, thanks...
I'll do a right on red if I know the intersection, if I don't know it I try to see if there are any signs first.