"now make a post and say hi"

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Don't be too hard on the girl, she's in H.R.

HR can't even bring themselves to say "People". They have substituted "Human Resources" so they wouldn't feel bad about firing them to save $10 and ruining their lives.
figured id pimp stroll my way back through here again just to say HI :wave:

ill take the blonde on the right please, her and/or tyra banks.

tyra banks > other black women.
werd, halle barry over alllllll

didn;t tyra get all chunky or some shit?
LoL I wish someone would have photoshop my face into that pic.. that woulda been funny..... Id take it into work and we'd get a good laugh...

I like Tyra.. but her forehead is kinda big.. lol
Regardless.. if I put on ten pounds of make upim sure id look like a super model too...
yeah her forehead is a little bigger than average, but hey, no ones perfect lol. but

tyra banks' boobs > Halle Berry's saggy boobs any day of the week.

lol i just saw her on Fresh Price of Bel-Air yesterday...weird.

maybe ill switch to

Tyra Banks and Beyonce > black women.
You're crazy, and wtf is up with Tyra banks having a talk show. Christ, ANYONE can have a talk show now. :cry: