Official what XBOX360 games you play, lets get down sucka!

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fuuuuuck i'd totally rock you in worms but i have to get live again
booo forza.
get burnout revenge.
and many others.
any burners wanna race, hit me up.
ill have a new box in a weeks time.
I just got a sweet 27" tv up from my 19", have to work all day today (2 jobs ftl) but by god i'll be on there some tomorrow and sunday, took monday off too so i'll be wearing it out all weekend after today. :D
I just got a sweet 27" tv up from my 19", have to work all day today (2 jobs ftl) but by god i'll be on there some tomorrow and sunday, took monday off too so i'll be wearing it out all weekend after today. :D

the wifey is leaving town for the weekend, so i have the house to myself.. i will also be on all weekend probably
eg6, take your happy ass to the store and buy COD4, or at least rent it. Come on tonight after 5 pm est and we'll kill some durka durkas.
i'll see whats up.. i'll probably go rent it to play something else.. its only a $1 a day at blockbuster now.. so if i want it for 2 days then i only pay $2 instead of like $8-9 for 7 days
i suck as COD4 online.. too used to Halo.. dont like the 1 shot i'm dead thing

Well on non hardcore it will take an entire magazine. On Hardcore it's usually 1-2 shots, maybe 3-4 sometimes depending on the gun.

I'd rather not put an entire magazine from my M4 Carbine into someone to kill them though. lol

Thats why I can't stand Halo.
2000Si's friend Jebus gets away with that crap. He can be spraying anywhere he wants and he will still pick someone off with a Headshot
Ever tried to do that with a silenced mini uzi? haha

Yeah Jebus is the headshot king. I have 8000 some on jams and 1100 on camel, he has like 15k headshots.
you guys play entirely too much COD4

thats what I thought about those guys i played online in forza 2.. :)

Go pick up the game, dude. I'll get on jams 8201 and show you all my gold guns. haha
have you even played it?
the speed takes some getting used to.
especially when you learn how to boost jump and jump drift.
yea, i've played it.. my fiance's 12 yr old brother loves it, so i play it with him occasionally