PayPal Appeal

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Working Hard
Long story short, PayPal decided in my (seller) favor.

Now the buyer is appealing PayPal's decision.

How often does PayPal actually stick with their initial decision?

I already proved my case and won but I have nothing else to present to them incase they ask for more info. I gave them everything upfront. So if I can't provide any additional info, will I be looking forward to them reversing their decision?
For me most appeals have always gone my way. I've had two that didn't. It will be up to the buyer to prove the why. They also weight on your feedback numbers too. I'm at 453 so I have more power than the average joe but not so much as a store that sells eBay fOr a living.
For me most appeals have always gone my way. I've had two that didn't. It will be up to the buyer to prove the why. They also weight on your feedback numbers too. I'm at 453 so I have more power than the average joe but not so much as a store that sells eBay fOr a living.
So they decided in the other person's favor but then decided in your favor after you appealed it? What "extra" did you provide (or initially hold onto, which ever way you wanna look at it) for them to overturn their initial decision?

perfect case right here, i sold an old blackberry curve1 with just the battery. it was in good shape, case had some scratches but it worked fine. buyer said it looked horrible and what not and wanted to ship it back and get a refund, so they cased it. luckily i provide multiple photos and in good light so they ruled in my favor. he appealed it but they again ruled in my favor afterwards.

and to think, he even got away with being undercharged with shipping.
I think the appeal went in his favor. Case is now closed. It says they couldn't decide in my favor but no funds have been taken out of my PayPal. I'm still at $0 and not negative...

Has this happened to anyone?
check your bank account, appeal that decision
Nothing has been taken out my bank account either. No pending transactions either. I took my bank account and credit card info off PayPal just in case... If I end up having to do a refund, I just want my fair shot at an appeal as well because they never asked me for any additional info. Just stated they would contact me by a certain date "if" more info was needed. That was yesterday. I logged on this morning and the case is closed already.
maybe the case is closed and still in your favor?
It says: Status - After careful consideration, we're unable to decide this claim in your favor at this time.

However, the status is closed and the item return icon says this: The seller or PayPal may decide to grant a full refund to the buyer if the merchandise is returned. Once delivery is confirmed and the refund is processed, the case is closed.

So does this mean that they aren't making me pay and/or making him return my item?

I'm so confused but at the same time I don't wanna call customer service and be like "hey, you forgot to take my money" lol.
i wouldnt say that, just call and say you are confused about the decision and want more information as to what is going to happen. if they did indeed rule against you i would press as to why.
It means that PayPal is going to force you to refund the Buyer AFTER they can prove that you received the item again.

It's happened to me before, but the buyer never sent it back. It was a hard drive enclosure, and the guy didn't read it enough to find out that the power supply was 220V only. He protested, I refused to return, he filed a complaint, PayPal didn't like that I only stated it once but didn't post a picture of the "input voltages" on the brick. I appealed the decision, and they said pretty much the same thing. The Buyer was supposed to send it back and then he'd get a refund, as per PayPal's orders. He never did.
I sold him a coil pack "brick" from the M275 engines (MB V12 Bi-Turbo Engine)

He had a misfire issue that he thought was a coil pack problem. When he installed the one I sent him, he still had the same misfires but stated that the misfires were more frequent with the coil I pack I sold him vs his old coil pack. He decided to just break down and buy one at the dealership and the brand new one had "less frequent" misfires, but still misfired none-the-less... So he decided my coil pack was faulty.

I asked him how he can condemn the coil pack as the problem when he still has misfires with a brand new one and he wanted no part of that question.

I wanted to make him happy so I told him to come up with a fair solution but to also keep in mind that I still stated the product was "as is" and that i'm just going by his word that he himself, installed it properly, and also that he never accidentally dropped it or anything of that nature.

He still wouldn't do that either. It was all or nothing with this kid. So he proceeded to make the claim. PayPal initially decided in my favor but now it seems they over turned their decision.

BTW - He is claiming "internal" damage.
I don't know about you, but electronics are non-refundable in almost all cases.
i'm pretty sure the coil is electronic... ya know, it generates the spark and all
You know how tricky they are with their wording. I tried looking but I only came across the term "digital"... You got a link?