peeved? post your least favorite things here.

what pisses you off the most?

  • excessive eating/slurping noises

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • visible panty lines of the 'oh god those are fugly' kind

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • scuffing shoes/shuffling zombie walkers

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • people who ride ass on the highway

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • other (post it up!)

    Votes: 4 16.0%

  • Total voters

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I am field tech, I hate people who can't use a fucking screw driver to check something or to do a simple fix. They can't do this over the phone so I have to drive out there to do something simple. If I was paid by the job and not salary I wouldn't care. I have done several service calls to plug equipment in. I am like seriously when the equipment won't run you can't even see if its plugged in.

Another thing is when a moose runs in front of you in the highway, causing me to slam my brakes on just missing this massive creature. I would not want to hit one.
i have a few to add to the list:
1.) Being interrupted.
2.) People that pull out in front of you in traffic when you're the last car coming, only to slam on brakes when they get to the next left turn.
3.) Girls that bitch about guys not leaving the toilet seat down, it's just as easy for us to put the shit back down, no need for world war 3.
4.) This is work related, I run receiving in a warehouse with strict appointment rules and procedures. I HATE it when the brochers/dispatchers try to slide a trailer in with no appointment, and then lie and say they've been trying to call for an appointment. Grr.. makes me want to hit them in the forehead with a spoon.
I just thought of another one. I developed this during my time doing production work in machine shops. To move large quantities of parts you need to have some amount of organization, or you at least need to be able to keep finished parts seperate from parts in process. Most ppl do that by keepin em in two different piles. That brings me to my pet peeve, ppl who cant put shit back where they got it. When someone comes to look at the parts your workin on (in most cases its someone who doesnt even know what theyre lokin at) when theyre done they have the option of setting the part in 2 places that are maybe 6 inches apart. It baffles me how 95% of the time they miss their 50% chance of gettin the right pile. Its not really a big deal until you get all done, change your machine setup, clean up a lil, then realize that one of the parts is not done.
People who aren't generally considerate of other people while driving. EX- Turning from the middle of the lane so no one can get by you. Making me pass you on the right because you feel like doing 75 in the fast lane, people that come to almost a dead stop before turning (terrible in South Jersey/Phili area), people who stop at a merge... It's not a yield, it's a fucking merge (Cause of my first accident, dude in front of me stopped, I stop behind him, Cadillac behind me didn't). And last, when I'm in the fast lane doing 85ish and an SUV or van comes up so fast that I barely have time to get right, then as they pass (at 90-100mph) I see Aladdin playing in the back for the guy's 3 kids who aren't buckled in.

People who bring babies to restaurants. There are a few children I have seen that actually are very well behaved but if there is a chance of your kid crying, leave them with a babysitter or stay home all together. And parents who let their kids "play" in a restaurant. Discipline your fucking kids, a restaurant is not the place for them to play. And the last one for restaurants, when 6 people sit down at my biggest table, the 2 babies have cheerios, one adult isn't eating, one is having a side salad, and 2 are getting real meals. So you just took my biggest table, and the bill might be forty bucks? Let your kids run around the restaurant some more, I just sprinkled AIDS on the floor and I'm tripping them when they run by.

Last one I can think of, when people at the gym take a very purpose built machine and use it for something completely else. EX- my brother was at the gym the other day and had to do squats. He goes to the one cage they have (they have machines but it's different) and a dude has dragged a flat bench over and is doing a bench press with next to no weight, without full extension either way, and is taking his sweet ass time in between sets.

The all encompassing thing in all the things that piss me off is a general lack of caring for anyone else but yourself. Your not fucking cool, your not fucking special, you're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world... just like everyone else. Now get off your pedestal before I kick it over and smash you in the head with it.
Rep for use of a great fight club quote :thumbsup:

Most of mine have already been said... idiots on the highway, eating noises, in general no respect for someone else's property.

And LMAO @ Hosmer and painters.
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good ones!

you guys reminded me how much i *hate* it when people take a 'right on red' WHEN I AM ONCOMING TRAFFIC LESS THAN 100 FEET AWAY! i want to downshift and slam into them with the mad maxian armored semi truck i don't drive. :(

also, screaming kids -- anywhere. i'm sure i was one once or twice but i don't remember it. i'm also sure my mom got me tfo and made it not much fun think about doing again if i ever did act up in public. basically if that kid did not just lose a limb or get dropped on its head, i don't want to hear it for 30 minutes while i'm browsing at the book store. urgh.
People who bring infants to the movie theatre and then wonder why everyone is staring at them with the stink eye when their baby is screaming bloody murder.

I had a kid screaming at the table next to me a buffet once. So my brother and I screamed in his face til he shut the hell up. The parents didn't know what to do lol.
Yeah, except it was in real life and it was my brother and I lol. He's crazy and we were just totally tired of this family's shit. The baby was crying, one kid was turning around and throwing shit at us, the other kid was listening to hid iPod and singing "Smack that" or whatever that song is called. And I don't think it was as cool as Brian's lol. We just screamed long enough that the kid shut his gob and we turned back around lol.
man that reminds me how much i hate it when someone at the restaurant seats you right behind to a booth with kids (or seats them right behind you) and the kids are playing romper room with the booth bench. if i ran all the restaurants i'd seat in every other booth FTW. by the time you have to seat someone in the middle booth the other table is about to leave anyway. doesn't that make complete sense?? why do they always pile people on top of each other.. :eyeroll:
man that reminds me how much i hate it when someone at the restaurant seats you right behind to a booth with kids (or seats them right behind you) and the kids are playing romper room with the booth bench. if i ran all the restaurants i'd seat in every other booth FTW. by the time you have to seat someone in the middle booth the other table is about to leave anyway. doesn't that make complete sense?? why do they always pile people on top of each other.. :eyeroll:

Well, usually they'll have a certain number of tables that one waitress will tend to. If there's only few, they're going to seat the people in that person's range of tables.

My dad ALWAYS asked the people to take them as far away as possible from kids' tables. Especially at Ihop. Little fuckers.