PS3 Hacked

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A user going by the name NeoGAF has posted that when port sniffing his
machine he found that the PS3 contacts Sony servers if there is a web
connection as soon as the machine is turned on. That would allow Sony to
know that the console has been hacked and ban the machine if wanted.
There is also some speculation that Sony could push updates to all
consoles as well. Sony has already said that it plans to fix the
security breach these hacks take advantage of with a series of updates


Remember, Sony is the company that installed rootkits on your PC when you bought one of their CDs ;)
I need repair for a bad blue ray laser any ideas for new drive or laser.I have seen the you tube videos on repair YouTube but wondering if anything better than eBay?
Big ass update downloading right now. I'm assuming it probably has to do with security...
yea my connection sucks right now.. that shit took me over a hour to download!
Earlier this morning I saw a post on one of the tech sites and they thought that the newest PS3 update was going to disable custom firmware. Here is the story from engadget

Sony about to issue PS3 update with 'minor,' mysterious security patch (update) -- Engadget

I have a hacked ps3 and hack ps3s on CL, I hardly go online, don't like to hack and cheat in games. Unfortunately the ps3 is cracked 100%, no matter what sony does, we can just get the keys and make our own custom firmware. Sucks to hear all those idiots are using homebrew to cheat and not to further develop real homebrew and reinstall otherOS. I am on Custom 3.55 and am on PSN, I bypassed the 3.56 update.
I have a hacked ps3 and hack ps3s on CL, I hardly go online, don't like to hack and cheat in games. Unfortunately the ps3 is cracked 100%, no matter what sony does, we can just get the keys and make our own custom firmware. Sucks to hear all those idiots are using homebrew to cheat and not to further develop real homebrew and reinstall otherOS. I am on Custom 3.55 and am on PSN, I bypassed the 3.56 update.

:shrug2: congratulations?
Don't worry, they will block PSN access eventually, not to mention Blackops is buggy as hell on PS3.