Quiting a job properly.

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I will hopefully be leaving my current job within the next few weeks. I am a field tech and my bosses are ten hours away. Because of the distance, I can not quit face to face and hand them a resignation letter. I have the resignation letter written already with the dates being the only thing I have to add. In this case would it be acceptable to email this to my bosses followed by a phone call? I was thinking about emailing it along with faxing or snail mailing a signed hard copy. I want to leave on good terms incase I need a recommendation and to not burn a bridge.
wow tough one. i'd say email and phone is good in today's age. in the phone call ask him if he needs it mailed hardcopy as well. as for leaving on good terms, make sure he knows how appreciative you are of the skills and experience you gained while working for the company.

you have another gig lined up?
phone call to break the news
email with a word doc attached to make it official/in-writing sent after the phone call
LOL at phyre. I would love to do it that in that style.

I think I'll do it B's style.

As for another gig I am working on that right now.
LOL at phyre. I would love to do it that in that style.

I think I'll do it B's style.

As for another gig I am working on that right now.
Line up another job before leaving the one you have. The worst thing you could do is leave for a job your 75% you have/could get, then don't get it.
definitely call then send over the email/fax/whatever

and i have done the quitting in a "slurry of profanity" (as they put it) i told off the store GM in front of 10 or so employees and a line of about 50 customers... it was quite liberating :D but not recommended if you ever need to use them for a ref
I have been with them for 6 years now so it would be good to leave on good terms. I can still et several recommendation letters for my previous position if I were to burn this bridge. As good as it would feel to take a few people down I won't. I am not going to quit until I have something lined up as much as I would love to have a few weeks off and can probably live off my savings for about a year.
Just as you already know and have already been told, line up a job first. Its a rough job market out there in today's conditions.