ray charles is dead

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{vaughan/old school}

"it's not your fault, thats what old people do - they die"

/{vaughan/old school}

Originally posted by Frankie P.@Jun 11 2004, 12:55 AM
If his wife really is deaf, how exactly did they communicate, they couldn't talk because she couldn't hear and they couldn't use sign language, because he obviously couldn't see.

Thats the perfect relationship
I don't know why people hate having their wife gf around, I don't understand that. Granted sometimes alone time is needed, but for the most part that is your mate, you should be with them, talk to them, etc all the time. I hate being alone without my gf, even after 2.5 years, I still want her to go with me unless I play basketball, but other than that, I just don't like being without her. Granted we fight and she sometimes gets on my nerves, and that is why I play basketball, sort of a getaway. But IMO, if you can't stand being with the one you are with, why are you together?
Originally posted by Frankie P.@Jun 11 2004, 05:27 PM
But IMO, if you can't stand being with the one you are with, why are you together?

Being pissed off > being alone.