ron paul blew his chances

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It's the same stupidity that people use when they say shit like "if we legalize pot, kids are going to smoke it, we can't let kids start smoking pot!!!!!!!", because we all know that no kids smoke weed, and it's a lot easier for them to just get a sixer.

And that's the point exactly. I may have smoked weed in high school because it was easier for me to get than booze. A friend of mine tried to buy booze at a store and got caught and ended up spending his summer doing community service. IF you legalize it and sell it in stores it is easy to regulate and tax...but let's not go down that road...ahem...politics indeed:eek:
Just an FYI according to the latest Gallup poll paul is third out of the top four republican when against Obama. Romney is up by two points Perry is tied Paul is down two and Bachman is down four. It's a long way to go to rule him out, but maybe it's too early to rule him out.
Well if there was ever a term which presented thw right elements for electing Ron Paul it is either this one or the one four years from now.
The media is doing its best to take Paul out themselves. In the same way they got Obama elected
Just wondering, did anyone see the MSNBC poll regarding the Reagan Library debate? Paul won with about 42% of the votes! Though, the graphical bar was only slightly larger than Romney's 20%. lol.
Haha. Ron Paul is gaining momentum and has a large following in California. Left or right, we like the idea of limited federal intrusion. Fuck it, California is pretty much it's own country anyway.
Rick Perry got all angry and grabbed him during a break in the debate:

heres some more for everyone o have fun with



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it would appear i need to find some video of wednesday's debate.