Sound Proof Removing

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I was asking around for ideas about getting that black shit off my hatch area and floorboard...well here's something awesome I found...

Dry Ice Blasting

Just a thought. I'm trying this out next week. Its not cheap and it may not work, but we'll find out. If it doesn't blast off, I'll have 500lbs of dry ice pellets to use and scrape/chip the shit off.
The machine is 1k for a day, 2k for a week and 3k for a month. Ice is like $85 for 500lbs. Only thing you need is an Air compressor that can support 100psi. This is going to be fun I hope. If not, you'll hear me bitchin'.

dry ice
large flat head screwdriver
putty knife


just dont try doing it when its 100 degrees out like i did or it will take much longer than it should
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Jun 7 2004, 02:16 AM
just dont try doing it when its 100 degrees out like i did or it will take much longer than it should

lol, I kinda did the same thing. It was cold the entire week except the one day that I did it (about 80) took much longer then I hoped.

All you have to do is buy 10-20lbs, lay it all over the sound deading material, let it sit for a minute or so, then with a mallet or hammer, just pound on it a few times. It will just turn brittle and brake of. Use a putty knife to get it started.
okay, the dry ice thing sucks...

i tired it and it didn't work worth shit.

go get a cheap little propane torch, and heat the crap up, then take a putty knife and scrap it off, get as much as you can off then take a wire wheel and take the rest off.

takes 1/2 the time and does a better job than dry ice

doesn't blasting it sound much more fun though? I'm gonna give it a shot. if it doesn't work, its a lesson learned. if it does, its going to be fun doing it! starting today!
Pics and more later. It sucked! I've got little blisters all over my face. Took the crap off, but left some black streaks of tar. Looks like ass. Oh well. Full story tonight.
Here's how it worked.

Blaster beat the shit out of the black stuff. Didn't really chip it away, but it made it come off really easy in huge chuncks. What I did was take pellets and cover the area first, let it sit for about 10 minutes then I moved the pellets and blasted with 110psi. After blasting the area, I thought the shit was going to be gone, but it was still there. I brushed away lose ice and some tar stuff and while I was brushing the entire piece shifted and came free. Not too bad I guess, but it still left black stuff behind.
Next step is to get a finer pellet and blast again. This should remove the rest of the black stuff left behind and clean everything up.
Some of the black stuff did chip away...its all over the place and its a freaking mess in 95 degree shop.
If you're going to do this, wear a face shield...that shit feels cool when its powder hitting your face but its -110 degree powder hitting your face. Feels like a bad sunburn now. Next step will be on thursday. Photos added in a few minutes...will edit.

Removal photos....and my ws2 exhaust

Floor pans look llike the close up. That stuff came off nicely. If you're going to do this, make sure to remove or cover any exposed plastic or wires. It will eat it up quick.