Terrel Owens Attempts Suicide

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ESPN claims it was an "adverse reaction to pain pills" that were perscribed by his doctor. TO has had a history of medication causing illness, especially pain pills.

or ESPN could be kissing his ass so they can get the exclusive when he resurfaces

LOL a Celerity's comment, everyone knows who TO is, he makes sure of it
Sorry, never heard of him. he's a shoe salesman. I'm a bitter person since no one made even an effort to memorialize Mother Teresa when she died, but when Princess Dead died in a millionaire's death, we couldn't stop mourning.

fuck celebrities - I hope they get eye cancer. No one really knows what's important anymore. People pushing for Tookie Williams (May he rot in hell) while no one gives a shit about Leonard Peltier.

We idolize the wrong motherfuckers. Terrel who ?
i wonder if the cowboys are going to take back that 25million. of course after they prorate him for the work he's done. i guess that would be the whole 25million huh:hmm:? he didn't try to kill himself, he just forgot that he had already taken 33 pills before the last two they caught him popping in his mouth:huh:
Sorry, never heard of him. he's a shoe salesman. I'm a bitter person since no one made even an effort to memorialize Mother Teresa when she died, but when Princess Dead died in a millionaire's death, we couldn't stop mourning.

fuck celebrities - I hope they get eye cancer. No one really knows what's important anymore. People pushing for Tookie Williams (May he rot in hell) while no one gives a shit about Leonard Peltier.

We idolize the wrong motherfuckers. Terrel who ?

I think someone got picked on by the highschool football team...

TO is cool cause he's entertaining, as a former Habitat for Humanity, current United Way volunteer I know where my priorities are, but nobies gonna do the wave for a Nun dude, that's day one stuff...
I was actually friends with the football team, I was picked on by the burn-outs. Funny enough, I'm closer to burnouts in style and grouping than I am the jocks.

but I digress - Cindy Sheehan gives to charities too, but she's still a loser that should be ignored.
ESPN claims it was an "adverse reaction to pain pills" that were perscribed by his doctor. TO has had a history of medication causing illness, especially pain pills.

or ESPN could be kissing his ass so they can get the exclusive when he resurfaces

it's not just espn. it's all over the AP. FOX Sports - NFL - Did T.O. attempt suicide?
Yet another attention whore tactic. I am not a TO fan but I hope this leads to some sort of mandated therapy for him.
this is not an attention whore tactic. TO is an attention whore, but he's not stupid. he would NEVER do this for attention. he has enough already. he is a very intelligent person and wouldn't stoop that low to do this for attention. like i said in my post about high school shootings, you never know how people feel in their head. they might seem on top of the world, but that's on the outside.
i just dont see how peoples' minds get like that...to where they wanna end themselves...i just couldn't imagine myself wanting to end myself...
i just dont see how peoples' minds get like that...to where they wanna end themselves...i just couldn't imagine myself wanting to end myself...

you have obviously never dealt with any form of depression.
this is not an attention whore tactic. TO is an attention whore, but he's not stupid. he would NEVER do this for attention. he has enough already. he is a very intelligent person and wouldn't stoop that low to do this for attention. like i said in my post about high school shootings, you never know how people feel in their head. they might seem on top of the world, but that's on the outside.

Yes TO is intellegent, everything he has ever done and or said that draw attention to himself has been thought out to the last degree either by him or his agent. I am not saying that he did this for media attention but he did do it for attention that is why the headline is "attempted suicide" not "TO found dead in home". Why else would his publicist be there? TO did this to call attention to that fact that he is not right upstairs.
TO has been quoted as saying that he has gone through depression. He didnt have many friends in highschool and stuff, and even today he only has a handful of friends. He just isnt that much of a likable guy, his ego is huge.... and he, for the most part, is all ego.

anyways.. i doubt this was an attempt at suicide, i think the media is exaggerating this way out of proportion. He hasnt even spoke about this shit, the only person who talked about it was the dallas cop who didnt say shit. This is pretty much speculation.

As for TO as a person, yeah he is an asshole.. but i bet its only on the football field. He is an AWESOME player, he is nasty, and he just wants to play and make plays so bad that he goes way overboard. Hell, 98% of wide recievers have an ego and an attitude like "get me the ball ill make plays", he isnt the worst person every and he isnt the worst football player, he is a media puppet. Media is all over him 24/7 just itching to put any negative twist on anything. All we see is the negative side of everything.

When was the last time you heard about his charity work??? When was the last time you heard about him working with Bledsoe to work on timing, plays, and other things?? Never, because the media thinks everyone wants to hear about how TO is fucking up.

but the press conference is on, ill be right back :D
TO has been quoted as saying that he has gone through depression. He didnt have many friends in highschool and stuff, and even today he only has a handful of friends. He just isnt that much of a likable guy, his ego is huge.... and he, for the most part, is all ego.

I'm a TO fan and I understand him cause I'm allot like him in many ways

Note that I haze zero athletic ability

But he's a self starting perfectionist, and he's proud of his accomplishments. Allot of people can't see that through his cloud of perceived ego, which is really a wall that people like us put up because we don't understand why people don't understand us.

I could see why he'd be depressed, people devalue what they already have. To him his status and wealth are of minimal importance to him. He probably spends most of his time focusing on the fact that people speak so negatively of him and the fact that he pushed people away without knowing that he is. Those can be very hard to deal with if you hold yourself to a very high standard...
What you quoted i just read and i didnt mean for it all like that. He has a huge ego, no doubt about that. He has a tremendous amount of athletic ability, he knows that, he knows that he can make plays, and he knows that he is a differnce maker, he just wants teh ball all the time.... but what reciever doesnt??

I bet he is a cool guy off the field.
fucking a, now he isnt going on til 3:15 EST....

Im watching SportsCenter and they have had multiple people saying that he is a happy guy, and some say they have never seen him happier. Mike Ervin said he just spoke to him like 20 minutes ago, and he said that TO told him he didnt try to kill himself. Another guy said that back when he was at San Fran, he held team parties, post game get togethers at his house, hell... he even took Kevan Barlow to... i think it was Atlanta, so they could train together and get on teh same page.

Terrell just gets a bad rap, imho.
i wanna know why the rescue crew was there in the first place?

was the dude high as a kite on pain pills?
was he trying to eat the last couple before they could take them away from him?
was he trying to kill himself? doubtful...