The wrongest wrong thing I have ever seen that was wrong

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Fucking great! No doubt, hands down better then that wanna be "doctor" phil shit on

edit, did anyone else get a kick out of B being in that video? the whole hilary duff comment =)
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They dont need a studio to fix that. My guess is they didnt care, they're just throwing shit together.

They don't need a studio, but some sound isolation in their recording room would help. Yes, they could try to clean it up with programs, but it still wouldn't be as good as having been recording in a better setting.
They don't need a studio, but some sound isolation in their recording room would help. Yes, they could try to clean it up with programs, but it still wouldn't be as good as having been recording in a better setting.

It could have been as easy as using a different mic setup. no need for programs there.
It could have been as easy as using a different mic setup. no need for programs there.
It not as simple as that. I've been vocalists for a while now, and just a mic won't fix that issue..

Unless you mean something different by 'mic setup' considering that's kinda vague.
The acoustics in that room were terrible. Some sheets draped on the walls would've made it 100% better. Doubt a different mic would have done it any good.
that last scene was just wrong, lol carazy shit though!
It not as simple as that. I've been vocalists for a while now, and just a mic won't fix that issue..

Unless you mean something different by 'mic setup' considering that's kinda vague.
Meh, whats the point Im always wrong, even if I use to work with a major studio helping setup with live concert recordings both indoors and out, but once again I cant be right.

you cant make it sound good with out tons of money.

I also know nothing about music or sound.
You also don't own a house, and that's crucial to winning an argument around here.

True, I'm going to go hide for awhile till I buy a house. then and only after that time can I come back and be right about anything.

fuck that I rent and I'm always right

and did you want to know what the real answer is?

Your both wrong. Nobody fucking cares. watch the video, laugh, post a reply,
finish your beer, rub one out, and go the fuck to bed. This isn't a thread on video production, the premise of the video isn't to grade room or equipment acoustics. This is a video about creepy older chubby guys hooking up with underage girls on the Internet, and for some reason I don't think any of us are comfortable exploring, it's really fucking funny...

Still no post from B on here, stop trying to find this section on eharmony Sol, it's a joke... and the acoustics suck...
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