timewarp thread (put blast from the past crap here)

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I remember that game! I remember it being hard as hell mostly!
I always preferred the original TMNT to Battletoads, though I do remember them and used to play the game. I'm with Brutal once again...it was freakin' hard.
I always had the hardest time getting to even the 3rd level on festers quest. That game was hard as hell to
One of my all-time personal favs, even before the new movie. I love this show.
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I always preferred the original TMNT to Battletoads, though I do remember them and used to play the game. I'm with Brutal once again...it was freakin' hard.

Yeah I think they came out with those Battletoads games as competition to the TMNT games. Some of the TMNT games were pretty sweet though. Anybody remember the Super NES one where you could grab the foot soldiers and fling them towards the screen? That was the shizz! :thumbsup:
My first game system- still have it too... I was geek enough even back then to want the system with higher technical specs than the NES. Too bad it didn't last. :(
