West Coast Hondaswap meet...

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Post nazis. Aparently your not alowed to s ay what you want.
I just mapped it out. 2 hours 57 minutes. And about the wheels, I guess he wants to put them on the Si. :( Sorry. Who else do we have going? Is it just us?
looks like it.. i was planning on going regardless.. trying to get a couple of locals to roll out
I'm bringing my 8 year old son (he LOVES racing) so that makes 3 for my end... everyone else says it's 'too far' and I tell them they're lame bots.
yea, i have a buddy coming and he's bringing his son.. he loves racing too, but he's a few years younger than yours.. about the wheels, its cool..but if he changes his mind in between now and then LMK.. :D..
i'm gonna be heading over there around 11am.. so i should be there at 11:30 at the latest
its gonna be fuckin hot.. its supposed to be 95- 97 degrees that day.. blah!!.. i checked last night..

oh, and i'll be in my GFs GSR.. she isnt using her car this weekend, so i am.. hehe

and not too sure what you mean by fun.. because to my GF, this wouldnt be fun.. but to me it would be, except for the heat.. so assuming you're more like me and like fast cars and the smell of gas, then you'll have fun
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still debating whether or not to drive my sanded/primer piece or my GFs nice shiny Integra.. hmm.. tough one..
sorry we skipped out so early... Artie doesn't do well in the heat. I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye... he wasn't happy he had to drive home.
its no problem.. my buddy was ready to leave shortly after you left.. his son was getting cranky .. but the passes are good for tomorrow, so we are going back w/o the kid