Aleaf Or Tunercrazed?!?!

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Hey Cel. Now that Aleaf is out of your area, will you reveal the evil plans you truly had in store for her?

I mean, I dont think anyone believed this compassion shit that you were going on about. Cmon, be honest, did you need a gimp for your newly constructed dungeon?
i guess tuner got mad and threw a 2x4..theres a story behind it that we havent gotten yet
Did you notice the fact that this thread is specifically for this whole thing?? If you don't like it, you're in the wrong place.

hopefully both.. shit is ridiculous..

this is Hondaswap.. not Dramaswap .. keep that shit in between you 2 and not us..
Okay kids, it's time for a little psycological dissection!!!!

Up first, the "ugly cunt" factor. Kenny is right. Pure and simple, the fact that you find me attractive the first part of the time and then things don't go your way....then I'm ugly??? And all the name-calling??? Sounds like a downsyndrome kindergartener throwing a temper tantrum. Everyone I've talked to about this has said the same exact thing. Things didn't turn out like they were supposed to, so you got pissed.

Anyway, I didn't tell your mom that I was homeless. I told her that I got kicked out of both my mom's and my dad's. Why would I say I'm homeless??? I'm obviously not if I've been a memeber of this site and consistant with logging on since January. Nice try though. I don't see how I was inconsiderate bitch (yeah, except I did spill some soda upstairs and did used your sheet, by that point you were just being an asshole so I didn't care).
But as far as your parents go, I helped do dishes, I helped or tried to help with my own car anytime I got help fixing it, I actually did keep the upstairs clean, but you're such an absolute clean-freak, there's no pleasing you. I constantly offered to help with cleaning, chores, or running errends for your parents. When I did get some money before I left, I bought their cigs for them,which might only be like $11, but it's the only thing they've let me do for them. I got along really well with them and the fact that you say they didn't like me makes me laugh. Where do I start with this??? If they didn't like me, your mom wouldn't want me to call everday since leaving and chat. She wouldn't have given me some of her older stuff, she would've just thrown it away. She wouldn't have wanted to see if I wanted to go places with her. And most of all, they wouldn't have let me stay their if they held the same opinion you do about me.

Kenny's also right about the whore thing. If I was,in fact, a whore, I would have slept with you, as repulsive as you are. But, I have this rule about sleeping with guys that resemble a mexican version of quasimodo.
I did sleep over at that kid's house. He lived 30 minutes away and I had a couple beers. I wasn't going to drive home. He also had two roommates and I'm not about to have relations with someone and have like 2 people watch. I might be a little weird, but not to that extent. And if I did, you would've been pissed about that too. I slept on the couch. And to top this all off, I'm a grown woman, I now how to make my own decisions. I don't need you breathing down my neck about it. But, your jealousy was showing just a little bit. When I said we were hanging out in a tunnel and that's when all the blacks guys came, you said "Oh, you and him in a dark tunnel alone. I wonder what happened then." Hm. How would that sound to you? And by the way, the tunnel was really short and lit at both ends.

I put the car in third gear when I parked it, because if you had listened, I tried putting it in first, but it kept rolling. I put it in third to find out which was really which since the gears on that car are a lot closer than on mine. But, you know, I wouldn't have had to deal with that bullshit if someone hadn't have broken the mercy brake in first place, now would I? And what was with throwing that 2x4??? Are you a toddler??

I did look for a job. I applied for a few online and looked into some around the area. But, you know, you didn't exactly find one either. Except that one that Levi told you about. Which,actually I answered and could've just not told you about it. But, I wanted to do the right thing and told you anyway. You stay up til 8 or 10 in the morning, sleep in til 5, 6, or even later and have the audacity to tell me I'm lazy??? Ahaha, that's fucking laugh. Oh, and PS, you're parents let me in the fact that you didn't pay rent for this month. And, you know? If I had gotten a ticket, my mom would've made me pay it or suffer the consequences. My parents don't pay for my mishaps with the law. Every since I got in trouble for the first time in 8th grade, I've paid for my failures. But you're parents are still paying for your tickets and things like that??? And you won't even get them cigarettes when you go to the store, you selfish, selfish bastard.

I think you need a little reality check. I had mine. I've learned some things and that's what I've been talking about with some of the members on this site. The thing I learned most that I've been trying to stick to is: I absolutely don't want to turn out like you. You're a failure as most parents see it, which I'm not so far from that myself, but I'm trying to do better. You're extremely immautre, I can't stress that enough. You're a flat out lair. And you just need to get your shit straight and soon. Jesus, it's no wonder you have to get your kicks from talking to 15 or 16 year old girls over the phone for washington. You're such a fucking creep.

well since you want to run your mouth you ugly cunt I guess its natural for me to retaliate. Hmm first of all yea I thought you where cute before I left and yes I thought maybe something would happen but it wasn't something I was depending on. By the time we got to my house I knew things wouldn't work out. You are nothing short of an inconsiderate bitch. Just so you know my parents were only being nice to you and the only reason I didn't say anything to you is because they asked me to keep my mouth shut around you but I was slowly slipping, that sunday I threw the 2x4 was probably the first sign of that eh dumbass? I can't drive? at least I didn't run into a guard rail you dumb bitch and at least I can park a goddamn car. "I put it in 3rd but its still rolling" lol. I take advaantage of my parents? I pay rent for living there, which is way more than you ever did, hell I didn't see you so much as search for a job and when I suggested something you would always turn it down because it 'wasn't a field you wanted to work in" What bothered me more than anything was your lack of compassion, for gods sake you called me while I was in the fucking hospital and asked me if I could take you out that night if I got out and it was always shit like that and it slowly pushed me away from you. I will say one thing though, definetly keep that makeup around because without it you look like the taint of a 50 year old man.
I don't see how your related to the rest of your family, they where all incredibly nice, which brings another question to mind, why the fuck did you tell my mother you where homeless and where sleeping on the couches of friends? lol your an idiot and all you want is a attention, your an attention whore and we all know it, you just want to play on others sympathy and sadly I was dumb enough to let it happen to me. Your a whore and I'm not saying that out of anger, you are seriously a certified whore, within a week you where sleeping over with another guy you met on myspace. I lost all interest in you within the first week as a friend or anything for that matter. Your nothing but a leachy slob, all I asked from you was to keep the bedroom you where staying in clean and your lazy ass couldn't even do that. Oh! and speaking of the bedroom, thanks for the big stain on my bedsheets..... this isn't even half of the problems I have/had with you but I guess I need to leave room for round two eh?
In closing most of those statements aimed at me could also be directed at you so shut the hell up and go put on some more makeup to cover that ugly.
where u fuckers been??any updates for us??

oh look what i started..
i just wanted ta u guys were doing............i swear:ph34r:

Nope, you're in the wrong place. FYI I didn't start this thread. If you think the threadstarter is looking for attention, talk to INJEN. Thanks.

i wasnt referring to the thread.. just Hondaswap in general..
Oh hey,

To Micheal:

Ahaha, good job getting your 12 year old brother to try and talk shit to me. It made for interesting day and made me realize just how much more guys like you don't know how to stand on their own two feet. Congrats.

Comparison pics??/
LMAO, if someone produces photographic evidence of said sheets the awesomeness of this thread could create a rift in the Universe
:ph34r:more info on the stained sheets please:ph34r:
im getting that she spilled soda,and all she could find was his at this point she was already pissed enough at him,so said fuck it,ill use the sheet:D

and yes i did start the thread,wanting to know how aleaf and tuner were doing,,then all the arguing came about,,so hey i dont really care,its funny to hear what they have to say about eachother...
drama or dont have to read the thread if you dont like the drama(not pointed toward anyone in specific)
but hey//im here for pix too!!1
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