Celerity Goes Down.

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The battle between gravity and friction has been lost.

I went out to start the jeep for my first day of work, doesn't start (It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand). There is going to be a huge rain storm here today, but when I get out of work. I have no problem riding in the rain, so I ran in the house, grabbed the leather the helmet and gloves.

Now I've ridden in rain lots of times. I will always get fully geared for the ride, including the pants and boots. I skipped this step, which is mistake one.

I got on the bike, and all things are working well. I went to get a pack of smokes at the store, and left the parking lot - taking a right. To the right there is 8 feet before a steel train track with a levelling steel platform. I know this is slick. I know this intersection very well.

I made sure there was a ton of room, first geared into the street and aligned myself for the approach. Before the track I shifted into second and got my throttle dialed in for minimum torque and maximum control. The 1200cc sport bike has a VERY, insanely sensitive throttle. I'm used to it, and operating the throttle requires a lot of talent, practice, finesse, lack of panic and GOOD JUDGEMENT.

I hit the tracks at a wierd angle. I wasn't scared or panicked. Since the lane is wide, I decided to take the new line and drift slightly into the left lane to make the tracks, then correct when I'm squarely on the other side.

Something went wrong. I don't know what went wrong. I fish tailed out to the left (facing right) corrected to the left (fishtailing to the right) and the bike almost went down. At this moment I let off the throttle totally (Mistake Two) and it INSTANTLY high sided and tossed me forward. When I say Instantly, like I didn't know my day could go bad, so quickly. I saw the top of my gas tank in one blink, the sky in the next blink. And my head hit the pavement.

I whacked the pavement really hard. I felt the pavement on my shoulder and sleeve, but it felt almost comfortable compared to the pain of a bike laying on my left leg pushing me down a street.

At the rest, I pulled my leg out. I had no feeling . I kept my muscles loose and pulled myself off to the side using my arms. Sat on the bike, took off the helmet and traffic was stopped and good.

I walked away. Without the gear, I would be FAR worse than I am now. My hip is torn up and my ankle is too (low ankle work shoes and no riding pants. Were I wearing them I would be FINE.)

Now, some pics.


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More. The litter wasn't there when I wrecked. The engine cover is busted wide open. The peg is broken off the assembly. You can see that the bike was on it's top, I don't know how. Don't remember it. The front fender is scraped. The tank has scrapes on it. The piercing is bent. (Yeah, I pierced it)


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In the third picture, the red SUV is leaving the parking lot that I left. I went wide to avoid a pothole. Where the bike is standing looks deceptively close to the train tracks, but it came to rest farther from the tracks than it looks.

Doesn't appear too catastrophic. At least you lived to tell...lol
That sucks, atleast your okay. You broke the foot peg off? How did you manage that, do they fold up or not?
The peg went under, not over. The hit was FLAT on the side, not a glancing slide. The problem was correcting. I should have just low sided it. the high siding SUCKED. I mean WOW suck.
I know what you mean, Ive done it before in the dirt, tapped out down a long straight, headshake, high side, bent bars, and bruised ribs.
I can't BELIEVE how good the gear did. The jacket saved me quite a lot. I landed on my left shoulder, and could have easily dislocated it . The armor and real quality leather made is soft and pleasurable.
Glad to hear you are alright!! Good job on wearing gear, too. Even if you were missing the boots and pants, as you said, you could be much worse for wear.

I had a little scare today, hitting a 25mph corner at 65mph, was a little hot, but I held it together. It was an "S" turn rated at 25mph. Took the first corner at 50 like it was nothing so I got on the gas a bit, second turn was the 25mph bastard. My butt puckered.

Sorry about the bike man, hope you get her back together quick!

So you lost traction on the tracks / metal guard and suddenly regained traction when you hit the pavement? Were the tracks at an angle to your line?
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I'm collecting insurance and parting out, more than likely. I was going to take the 1200 motor out and superglue the 600 motor and trans it before it got repoed. It's getting repoed, and now the chances of me pulling together a sale is nil.
At least you're smart and wearing gear, unlike most of the dumbasses I see riding around.

Glad to see you're alright.
At least you're smart and wearing gear, unlike most of the dumbasses I see riding around.

Glad to see you're alright.

A while ago, I made a post about not wearing gear. About how I have minimalised to just a riding jacket and gloves (I always wear gloves, whatever). I don't always wear a helmet. The full gear thing I only do in rain, reliably. But most of the time, no.

I lucked out. now that I have experienced a head hit with a helmet, it will no longer be optional.
I dont even ride and i know to wear all the gear (friend rides alot and has yelled at anyone he sees without gear), so god help me if i ever didnt lol.
A while ago, I made a post about not wearing gear. About how I have minimalised to just a riding jacket and gloves (I always wear gloves, whatever). I don't always wear a helmet. The full gear thing I only do in rain, reliably. But most of the time, no.

I lucked out. now that I have experienced a head hit with a helmet, it will no longer be optional.

Good deal. Glad you aren't going to consider the helmet optional anymore. My dad and his buddies had a few streetbikes when they were younger, and man does he have some horror stories. Definitely has scared me away from getting a streetbike.
That sucks, atleast your okay. You broke the foot peg off? How did you manage that, do they fold up or not?

They are designed to do that, same goes for the clutch and brake levers.

Would you rather replace a 20-50 dollar part, or bend your frame?