Any boarders here?

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new board purchasers be aware, some resorts are banning boards that are too graphic (nudity)
i prefer when resorts just ban snowboarders in general, lol
Mine has random graphics and mountains. I'm good.
Ugh, I'm so sad. I used to board but haven't the past 2 years. I bought a board, bag, boots and bindings off a buddy for $40, I can't honestly even remember the brand, it was a decent one but not someone I had heard of. Anyway, my plan was to go this winter since I'll have vaca time starting January, but my board is gone.

Speaking of which, I guess that means I need a new board. Thinking about CCS, used to get a lot of skate stuff with them before I boarded, but I never paid much attention to their snow gear. Anyone know of a better place?

Great deals and great customer service. I buy all my gear from them.

The House Snowboards Snowboard Boots Bindings Clothing

Argh, beat me to it. That place is great...most of the time...:eek:

new board purchasers be aware, some resorts are banning boards that are too graphic (nudity)
i prefer when resorts just ban snowboarders in general, lol

Are you kidding me? You know how many times I've nearly collided with some skier doing the full sweep side to side thing, taking up the whole trail? I try to pick which side they will be on when I am flying by and pick a different line but inevitably I always end up nearly clipping them.
^^^^^Most of the time? Do tell. They have always been awesome in terms of pricing, customer service, returns, and shipping when I have delt with them. Its a huge store if you have ever been to it in person.
I ordered a pair of shoes recently and they never shipped so I waited two weeks then called and the customer service woman went to check and found the order somewhere and asked if I still wanted them. It was too late though and I said no thanks. It was weird. You are right normally they are great.
Ive always ordered my stuff from CCS, I got new Grenade pants, gloves and a jacket last year on clerence for like less than $200.
I ordered a pair of shoes recently and they never shipped so I waited two weeks then called and the customer service woman went to check and found the order somewhere and asked if I still wanted them. It was too late though and I said no thanks. It was weird. You are right normally they are great.

Yeah that is a little weird hopefully it was a fluke.
Are you kidding me? You know how many times I've nearly collided with some skier doing the full sweep side to side thing, taking up the whole trail? I try to pick which side they will be on when I am flying by and pick a different line but inevitably I always end up nearly clipping them.
I generally try to nearly clip them,snow them, and say "Stick to the bunny hills, ass/fuck/fag/etc.". I'm not very nice when people are getting in my way. But I pretty much only board on diamond or double diamond trails. If you can't handle them, there are easier trails.