the evil empire, holy crap.

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I noticed that Wyoming had 11 stores throughout the state... I didn't even know there were 11 people in Wyoming.
I noticed that Wyoming had 11 stores throughout the state... I didn't even know there were 11 people in Wyoming.


One Of Each
What do they have against Nevada? Seriously, Montana has more stores.
they have about 10 in vegas alone. there was a huge fight between the supermakets union (local 711 haha) and walmart when they wanted to bring the supercenters in there. they tried, unsucessfully, to unionise walmart. I was working at walmart at the time and the dumb fuckwad coworkers didn't realise/care that the grocery store counterpart was making twice as much as we were on average. "oh no, I don't want a union, I can speak for my self" was commonlly heard. I'll let someone else speake if they can get me more money, obviously they have an expertise I dont.

Wal-Mart breaks the law, gets punished, wins anyway - Las Vegas Sun

I worked with the guy in that story, an old man named Avis. I was fired for being pro union and for asking the boss if he was threatening me. He was not happy when I said oh you're not so how bout I threaten you phisically (something along those lines).
if you want to see how evil the empire is just google walmart vegas union. It was horrible the shit they pulled and the way the govt let them get away with it.
Dude, people say that if you live in kentucky, you cant spell, and if you wear shoes people say "OH MY GOD?, WHO BOUGHT THOSE FOR YOU?"

so people in montana should rightfully have a more retarded population.
if you want to see how evil the empire is just google walmart vegas union. It was horrible the shit they pulled and the way the govt let them get away with it.

They defended themselves against a massive blood-sucking leach that would only cost them shit tons of money and drive their profit margins into the shitter, causing them to raise prices to survive, fucking everyone who shops there.

The only people that lost are the unions. The workers are there because they are too fucking lazy and unmotivated to go elsewhere and find a better paying job.
Dude, people say that if you live in kentucky, you cant spell, and if you wear shoes people say "OH MY GOD?, WHO BOUGHT THOSE FOR YOU?".

related to this tangent in the thread:

i did a brief stint in arkansas and will never forget the actual surprise on the dentist's face there when he peered into my mouth and saw that i still had allllll of my teeth at the age of 28. better yet was him saying it out loud and nodding to me as if i'd done well.


sad, really.

as for montana, it's too fucking cold and full of perverts for my taste.
lol, good point. but all you perverts are out there, and i'm in here - safe with my gunz. :D
related to this tangent in the thread:

i did a brief stint in arkansas and will never forget the actual surprise on the dentist's face there when he peered into my mouth and saw that i still had allllll of my teeth at the age of 28. better yet was him saying it out loud and nodding to me as if i'd done well.


sad, really.

as for montana, it's too fucking cold and full of perverts for my taste.
They defended themselves against a massive blood-sucking leach that would only cost them shit tons of money and drive their profit margins into the shitter, causing them to raise prices to survive, fucking everyone who shops there.

The only people that lost are the unions. The workers are there because they are too fucking lazy and unmotivated to go elsewhere and find a better paying job.
the people have a right to organize if they so choose. There are federal laws that protect that right. The problem with a company as large as walmart is that they will break those laws/infringe upon those rights, because it's cheaper in the long run. Say they get fined 1mill for violating labor practices and using threats and intimidation to keep the unions out, it's still cheaper for them to pay the fine then pay the union.
Wal-Mart is pretty evil...i never spend less than $100 when i am there...they control your mind!!!
Those coporate motherfuckers gotta be using the old Jedi mind trick:twisted:
they are all sith lords!!!
In regards to walmart employees unionizing, I remember about 5 years ago hearing a story about some store in Canada actually voting in the union. Walmart in turn CLOSED the store.
wal mart has it right though. get soooo big, you control everything.

think about it. wal-mart is the number 1 employer in the u.s. they even sell the most cd's. 25% of cd's are sold in wal-mart. wow, just wow.
Walmart is Capitalism at it's best. No one gets to the top with nothing but friends. The way I look at it Walmart is no different then T. Boone Pickens, Jerry Jones, or Donald Trump. Plenty of people don't like them, but that doesn't change the fact that they are extremely successful.
the only people who complain about "the haves" are the "have nots".

people with money and ambition look at them as a goal. a place to achieve to. broke, lazy, unmotivated people look at capitalism as evil.
As a member of a community that has a lot of mom and pop stores and a walmart store, I feel they haven't influenced the locals well here. Mom and pop stores attract the educated and middle class and well u can smell the difference at walmart.
wal mart has it right though. get soooo big, you control everything.

think about it. wal-mart is the number 1 employer in the u.s. they even sell the most cd's. 25% of cd's are sold in wal-mart. wow, just wow.
i dont like buy cds from walmart, they are all edited.
id rather not listen to the music then listen to edited.

As a member of a community that has a lot of mom and pop stores and a walmart store, I feel they haven't influenced the locals well here. Mom and pop stores attract the educated and middle class and well u can smell the difference at walmart.
im in the same kinda situation.
they were gonna tear down the walmart and build a super walmart but too many people caused a big fuss.
like the bitch across the street.