My life is upside down - a bad 2009

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Gotta look at the bright side, now you can run out an nail some random ass.

The fact that she didn't talk to you about any issues before leaving town tells me this is the best damn thing to ever happen to you. Trust me, it's much better to happen now, then after being married with a kid or two. At least your kids are not missing.... (if you had them)

Because she just got up and left, something tells me shes not 100% right up top, so expect her to come back around after awhile begging to come back or toying with you some way or another. Make it clear that you're better off with out her and push forward.

If need be, you and B should hang out and do some double dating. =)
Sorry to hear things abruptly ended like that.
It will take time, but thing's will get easier. Wishing you the best - that sort of 'S' is not a good feeling.
damn man. keep your head up and keep chugging. I'm in the pits right now with my ins issue...but i'm not letting it get me down too much. If you let the pain get to you it will consume you and make it harder to recover.

go hit up the bars and clubs with friends. your a good looking guy with a nice car.....all chicks dig it if also a nice guy.

I haven't tried to call her or anything....cause you know what...fuck her....while what happened sucks....someone who can do that is someone i don't need to be with.....i think i'm ok now....
watch the movie old school, time to have a re-releasing into the wild party, so you can hook up with some chick that you thought was in college but turns out its your bosses daughter thats still in high school, then you can give him a video of the night as payback for your layoff.

everybody wins.
watch the movie old school, time to have a re-releasing into the wild party, so you can hook up with some chick that you thought was in college but turns out its your bosses daughter thats still in high school, then you can give him a video of the night as payback for your layoff.

everybody wins.

Actually my old boss frm my last job wants me to date her daughter lol....she's pretty hot too
well, if she wants you to date her, that means she likes you.
make her daughter happy and it will probably land a raise.

if shit goes pear shaped, then explain to your boss that your ending the relationship bc of this, that, or the other. make sure she understands.
always make yourself look like the great guy doing whats best.
Man I'm hearing of this kind of thing happening all the time lately... Breakups, people disgruntled in their relationships.... My gf broke up with me about 3 months ago. I'm stuck living at her parents' house right now, with our dog. It's been almost a year since I graduated college and still no full time job. Not even a decent part timer. I just applied to be a personal trainer at Bally's so maybe that will help turn my leaf too. On the bright side, I went out last night and met like 3 girls who took an interest in me, so same time next week...maybe I'll have a good time with one [or all] of them!
if you cant' find ANY job, there is a problem. there is a lot of work out there. sometimes people just have to swallow their pride and take something shitty, just to pay the bills.
i'd rather be a cheap coke head hooker rather live with my exes family.

you have a higher ability to deal with shit than i do.
Man I'm hearing of this kind of thing happening all the time lately... Breakups, people disgruntled in their relationships.... My gf broke up with me about 3 months ago. I'm stuck living at her parents' house right now, with our dog. It's been almost a year since I graduated college and still no full time job. Not even a decent part timer. I just applied to be a personal trainer at Bally's so maybe that will help turn my leaf too. On the bright side, I went out last night and met like 3 girls who took an interest in me, so same time next week...maybe I'll have a good time with one [or all] of them!

its gonna be so awesome when you take them back to your place