Retarded bikers incoming

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You could start calling it 'the batpod' and put ridiculous stickers all over it.

the picklespod? loooool
Its true Pickles, you do need a rocket launcher. I am sure you can get it past the guards at work. No big deal.
Retarded bikers are already here, this will will just help us pick the ones who wear gear out of the bunch. Normally, you just have to look for the douche in a wife beater or shirtless.
Retarded bikers are already here, this will will just help us pick the ones who wear gear out of the bunch. Normally, you just have to look for the douche in a wife beater or shirtless.

Dont forget the flip flops. And sorry Pickles, I had to.
Dont forget the flip flops.

how about these??


they have the shift lever guard for the toe and all