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Im loving the 250th anniversary guinness. its rocking my world.

my usual standard is smithwicks and then i drink rogue's chocolate stout when i can find it on draft and/or on sale. A single bottle was $8 at central market the other day. I think i cried when i walked past it. guiness extra stout is pretty high on my list. Slightly maltier version of the anniversary stout, its hella good. Not too big of a fan of the regular guinness, but since BWW has it on tap i get it there since my only other option is killeans.
Guinness is my personal favorite, although it's more of a meal or after meal beer. Also a black and tan when it's poured correctly.

Usually have a Molson product stocked in the fridge, I can buy a 28 pack of bottles at Costco for 17.49 plus deposit (a dime a bottle here in Michigan).

Hey you Texas guys, any of y'all like the Shiner products? I enjoy the Bock and the Hefeweizen, but I can only get it in a 6 pack locally. My buddy in S.A. got me hooked on it last year.
Shiner is my default beer at most restaurants here. Cause most normal restaurants dont have good beers on tap, so shiner is about as good as most places carry and im relatively happy with it. It's one of the few reasons I dont want to move from tx cause i hear shiner isn't sold very many places when you leave the state.
Shiner is my default beer at most restaurants here. Cause most normal restaurants dont have good beers on tap, so shiner is about as good as most places carry and im relatively happy with it. It's one of the few reasons I dont want to move from tx cause i hear shiner isn't sold very many places when you leave the state.

Yeah I never saw it until this spring here. It seems to be more and more common, Kroger and Walmart both stock it now.
fat tire, anchor steam, sierra nevada, and blue moon. love them all.
fat tire's good while you're drinking has a bad after taste that kills it for me.

blue moon. i dare you to find a texan that's tried it that doesnt like it.
Blue Moon is damn good. I am still stuck on plain ol' beer for the most part. MGD or budweiser.
Had blue moon once and didn't care for it at all.

Maybe I owe it another chance.
you had to grow up in a world without flavored cereal. Blue Moon tastes like fruit loops....and i LOVE fruit loops cereal.....had to put cereal on the end of that.
I usually keep a six pack of either Sam Adams or Killian's Red for my one-a-day relaxation beer. If I'm going to party, then I'll just grab some Bud or Miller Lite...
you had to grow up in a world without flavored cereal. Blue Moon tastes like fruit loops....and i LOVE fruit loops cereal.....had to put cereal on the end of that.

More of an eggs and toast kinda guy if you must know.

Not a big fan of fruity beers generally.

Do you drink it with the orange wedge in it? Or maybe an umbrella? :D
More of an eggs and toast kinda guy if you must know.

Not a big fan of fruity beers generally.

Do you drink it with the orange wedge in it? Or maybe an umbrella? :D

I just eat the orange. My wife gives me dirty looks when i do that but i fucking love oranges and cant just let it drift in my beer.
Asking me my favorite beer is like asking me how I like my women. Variety is the spice of life.

And just like women, beer comes in too many styles to label one as my favorite. I enjoy stouts, ales, heffeweizens, pilsners, IPAs, lagers, bocks, etc. All I can really say is that I don't care for light beer. I'll drink it, but I would prefer something else.

So I guess I like man beers. Usually, the darker the better. Some that rank in the top, as I pointed out in the soup/salad thread, anything from Victory, Red Hook, or Lake Placid Brewery. I especially like LPB when I'm in Lake Placid. You can get all their beers in an $8 Growler.
Killian's goes excellent with a damn near mooing steak :thumbsup:

Agreed! Killian's is the type of beer that complements dinner nicely...

All I can really say is that I don't care for light beer. I'll drink it, but I would prefer something else.

I'm the same way. If I'm just going to drink one or two and actually savor the experience, then it's got to be something darker and with some quality to it. If I'm aiming to get sloshed though, then I'll do light beer just because it's cheaper and I won't take in quite so many calories...
fuck that. getting hammered on smithwicks is the only way to roll.
Brewing your own FTW!


Got a Barley Wine in secondary fermentation, when it's done, I'm hoping for 14% alc.
Yeah, I like strong beer :)


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