Chipotle Employees anyone in here?

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Oh god. Balut.

I was tricked I say. TRICKED.
Need to put together a business plan. Chipotle is the closest thing to what my goal is business wise, both food cost and price range as with style of serving so I'm trying to get an idea of daily #s both labor and total sales.

It's a public company but it's hard to get a good idea when a few thousand stores are bunched together.

Is it franchised? If it is, inquire. They'll give you all the info you need...

...whoops, beat to the bunch on that comment.

Find other similar restaurants that are franchised, as someone mentioned above. I'd also seek help in researching the real estate/location near where you would potentially build. They should be able to help you with market saturation statistics, as well as traffic statistics.
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In oregon there is this place called Acropolis. It is a steakhouse that is open early and closes late and is a full on strip club.

My buddies always go for steak and eggs for breakfast and strippers when they're in portland.

There's no way for us to know if paper work is legit or not. It's not like the state/fed provides us with a 800 # to call and check documents.

The whole illegal workers thing is total bullshit. If they wanted to fix the problem they could easily do so by putting in place a # to call where you check to see if the person using x SS # is working 80 other jobs.

Rather then do something about it, they pull this crap where they *fine* a company....

total bullshit. I love my Hispanic employees and would do anything to help them get legit papers here if they're not already legit (I dont know since I have no tools to look that info up) however if there's a problem then send them home. Oh wait that doesnt happen, just pay the fine.

This country is so full of BS.
its all part of "Operation Increase Revenue"

doesn't have 80 people using 1 ssn increase revenue? it means they are getting taxed. they aren't farm hands in texas that could just disappear tomorrow and nobody would notice.

i blame society and gen Y. jeffie has talked about this before. if 16 year old kids werent' such gimme gimme douche bags, we would have kids working in restaurants, just like they used to be.

but a mexican worker will work harder, more consistently, with less complaining and for a reasonable pay. these jobs they are trying to save for american workers, american workers wont take. they are "too good to work fast food".

i say fuck 'em. if jose wants to bust his ass for $10/hour, the more power to him.
"restaurant owners are attracted to illegal laborers because they work hard, are loyal and will go the extra mile to hold down a job." This right here should shut-up all of you unemployed loudmouths."

i know you're in the field and have lots of experience, but i'd just like to point out the high failure rate of restaurant ventures
don't lose your ass (leverage with investors if you want to limit losses, and gains)

its always tough to get a new place going in an area with an established market and places to meet those needs
and any kind of specialty thing is really hit or miss
just a point of view from an accountant who has seen 2 or 3 dozen restaurant clients fail in the last 8 years, even those who already have a good running business and try to venture into a second, the odds are against you
In California we have a place called Fresh Mex in a variety of towns and it is VERY similar but tastes better than Chipotle.......doesn't McDonalds own Chipotle still?
these jobs they are trying to save for american workers, american workers wont take. they are "too good to work fast food"

This is the root of why we (America) hardly make anything anymore. We want too much pay and then we want to be supplemented for our Union Dues and everything other little thing to the point Manufactures cannot pay us enough and make the product reasonably priced. We used to take more pride in our work and actually use our hands. So we now help other countries profit.

Get ready for these things to get worse as we raise the next generation to do less, and have the odacity to demand more.
i know you're in the field and have lots of experience, but i'd just like to point out the high failure rate of restaurant ventures
don't lose your ass (leverage with investors if you want to limit losses, and gains)

its always tough to get a new place going in an area with an established market and places to meet those needs
and any kind of specialty thing is really hit or miss
just a point of view from an accountant who has seen 2 or 3 dozen restaurant clients fail in the last 8 years, even those who already have a good running business and try to venture into a second, the odds are against you

My step-brother lost his ass in a restaurant venture.
i know you're in the field and have lots of experience, but i'd just like to point out the high failure rate of restaurant ventures
don't lose your ass (leverage with investors if you want to limit losses, and gains)

I know the failure rate all to well. Most restaurants fail because people always know what they're doing..... in other words they have very little experience running a place and figure, hey, I can do this. Little do they know what it takes to make a successful restaurant.

I have 11+ years of manager experience at a full service restaurant that also serves beer/wine as with serving, cooking... everything that can be done at a restaurant, and have about 2 years worth of research on my current idea with maybe another year to go before pitching for investors. I also have testing sessions in different markets coming up. As with fall back plans for when things go south.

It amazes me the amount of restaurants that get opened where the people just have no clue. It takes more then a, "hey I like this so everyone else will, idea." What works in one market wont work in another.

I get pitched job offers/ideas for restaurants from a lot of people who know my work background and the type of work I put into my daily life. Maybe 1 out of 10 ideas sent my way are somewhat ok and might work. For the most part people are just clueless. High paying offers but I wont touch them since I know they'll fail unless I get full control of it, but then I might as well do my own rather then work for someone else.

We'll see what happens, if test sessions don't go over well I'll tweak the idea, if nothing gets great feed back I'll drop the idea of doing something new and buy into the restaurant I currently run. That offers already been on the table. However I don't want to own/run a franchised place that's a last resort thing for me.

Odds of me failing, pretty good but I'm going to make every effort to minimize those chances and losses, bottom line, very few people make big money without taking big risk.

80-90-100K/year, meh weak sauce, I want more. Takes risk but ohwell that's life.