I got a new car too!

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I drove one of those. They're total shit. Small cramped inside, the display looks like windows 95. I'd rather have an i eagle thrust hammerhead geoff.
the brakes overheat pretty easily when driving it hard... the rims, while aerodynamic, do not breathe well

I wonder if there's possibility to run venting to the brakes, or across the inside of the rims to cause a draw like a stove through the rims.

it will go 113 at the top of 3rd gear but anything over 100 is sketchy as hell on 165/65/14s (you will lose speed shifting in to 4th)

That's fine, probably won't see over 70 typically. Also thinking about looking into alternate summer tires (see a few bulletins down)

the insight is the definition of a "velocity car"... slowing down has consequences

*Googles "Velocity Car"...

Still confused as to what a velocity car is.

60-65mpg is readily achievable driving sensibly... and after getting 60-65mpg no car will impress you or remotely satisfy you as far as fuel efficiency goes

I've thought of this, and I'm not really sure where I'm going to go after. I'm considering a few ecomods, nothing too serious right now. Plugging cracks when on long trips (hood/fender, skirt/body, hatch/body, etc.) stuff like that. Also possibly looking into different summer tires, at least for the rear, IE trailer tires. I get the feeling I'll be joining an ecomodder/Insight forum or two soon.

you will develop a deep disdain for Prius... Priusi??? Prii??? Priuses??? :shrug2: whatever... and Prius owners/drivers... you will feel the need to pass them any time you happen upon one

Done. Has been done. Suck my good fuel economy, pretentious hipster bitches.
for the tires unfortunately the stock bridgestone RE92s are really the only option out there
they suck ass in all weather conditions... they are meh in the rain and downright scary in the snow... even in the dry the insight can break them loose with its 67 ground pounding horsepower... kinda sad really
but they have a low rolling resistance and they are lightweight
and you can run them hard
they are rated for 45psi but i always kept mine at about 55-60psi for day to day driving with no issues and would go up to 60-65 when doing a long trip
the higher psi further lowers the rolling resistance and gets a noticeable increase in mpg :thumbsup: though the ride gets a lot harsher :shrug2:

for winter there are really only blizzaks or nokyans in the OEM size... both are great snow tires though

insightcentral.net is a great site with tons of info... highly recommended

velocity car - a car that handles well (enough) but does not accelerate well... so to drive the car fast you need to hold on to the speed you have (high corner speeds) because speed lost in braking will not be easily gained back... if you want to drive an insight fast you will really learn how to minimize braking, and make the most out of your corners. because you will not be impressing anyone on the straight sections :lmao:
with that said there were a lot of people impressed or pissed off when the little red hybrid came flying by them :D

seriously... driving an insight fast will force you to become a better driver... the car will not do any of the work for you... its actually quite rewarding :)

ps: you can average 35mpg while autocrossing ;) (including the time spent holding 2.5-3k rpm after the run to charge the battery back up :lmao: )

Nope! Wrong letter(s). :D

for winter there are really only blizzaks or nokyans in the OEM size... both are great snow tires though

velocity car - a car that handles well (enough) but does not accelerate well... so to drive the car fast you need to hold on to the speed you have (high corner speeds) because speed lost in braking will not be easily gained back... if you want to drive an insight fast you will really learn how to minimize braking, and make the most out of your corners. because you will not be impressing anyone on the straight sections :lmao:
with that said there were a lot of people impressed or pissed off when the little red hybrid came flying by them :D

seriously... driving an insight fast will force you to become a better driver... the car will not do any of the work for you... its actually quite rewarding :)

Yup. Miata, stock Civic, S2000 vs turbo Ferraris... another reason why I have good tires on the truck. Not slowing down for turns as much = better gas mileage.

Went and got her. She made it back fine. 58 mpg average for the trip back. A little lower than I was expecting. Not entirely sure the IMA is up to full health. Don't think I've seen it fully charged. Still at a 52 average. Changed the spark plugs, it seems to be running better, though it still seems strange. The autostop is acting funny, occasionally right before I stop it will start back up. Or it won't shut off until I stop entirely. Ordered a K&N air filter for it. I need to pump the tires up, but it does have a couple shoddy rims on it.
if i remember correctly
the auto stop is somewhat temp sensitive and will not shut the engine off if it is too cold out
58mpg is not bad for the winter... colder temps make it run richer, and the added ethanol content in the gas makes for a bit of a dip in mileage... my averages were usually 60-65 summer and 55-60 winter
the 3cyl does have an odd chatter to it... pretty normal... it is an inherently unbalanced engine
I'm totally going to ditch the high grip tires and put the stock LRR tires back on my car this summer.

Especially since I can't autocross now. :(
Trying to change my avatar, site keeps saying unable to upload image :confused:



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You have to make it like 90px or something insanely small.
Yeah, I was rear ended on the 27th, and every day is a battle with the pain. Probably going to have to give up on autocross for this year.

My car isn't too messed up, just the bumper is messed up, and the trunk hatch isn't opening, closing, or lining up properly. Car goes to the shop on Wednesday.
Still can't change my avatar. Pretty sure the uploader is broke.

Onto the car. I've had it back since Saturday. Ran good for a day or two, seemingly needed a tune up, figured I'd do it anyway. Bought the plugs and changed them, and it started running like crud. Okay. Let's do some reading. Looks like there are specific plugs per engine, all have to be threaded in so that the opening in the gap is facing the intake. Bleh, okay I work at a parts store, I can get around this without paying $20/plug. Ordered in 5 plugs, had 1 that lined up perfect. Took it out took the others out of the box and compared threads. Found two that worked, bought them, put them in the car. Woo! Problems gone? nope. Still have a stutter/jerk at operating temperature. I did notice more soot build up on the plug I didn't replace than the other two. Since there's subpar burn occurring in this cylinder, and the stutter occurs at operating temp, I suspect this cylinder's coil (cylinder 2).

Needs a rear transmission mount.

Needs a brake cable or two.

Needs a window regulator.

Needs a rim.

Ladies and gents, I've been had.
i would assume that engine needs very specific temp range plugs to work correctly, not sure how i feel about this random trial and error shit
and whats happening to you is the exact reason i didn't buy one of these cars
sorry to hear all the problems man
Eh, that's all part of buying a used car.
You should just be stoked that they replaced the battery shit for free.
Everything else is just commonplace.