broken into then hit by a trucky

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IMO you pussies, who just sit there and allow people to intimidate you and kick in ur door panels are the reason these assholes do it in the first place, cuz they know they'll get away with it. If that trucker thought for 1 second that you were carrying a weapon, he would have let it go and just kept driving. You have obviously never had a gun pointed at you. I have. I immediately felt sick to my stomach and very nearly shit my pants. Nobody acts like a hardass when their life is in that kind of jeopardy. NOBODY. period. I don't care what you saw in that movie. You wouldn't even have had to point it at him, if he walked up to ur car, looked through the window, and saw you were holding a gun, he would have turned around and got right back in his truck. guaranteed. And if there is someone who i care about with me and some one attacks, you better believe I'd use my gun.
People i care about>my life

I would agree. I have been on the other side of the gun, when i pulled my shit on someone whom I perceived was trying to rob me, and believe you me, mr. Leroy did NOT pulls some saumel jackson type shit.

Ever seen those old movies from the 1920's where teh black guys eyes bug out? It was just like that.

then again, dont pull a gun unless you intend to use it.
It does not serve its purpose when some dip-dunk like Celerity carries a gun in the city. In that case, its for insecure people with tiny wee-wee's that are scared of the possibilities of being intimidated by confrontation and its their means to solve the problem rather than rationally talking the situation out, running away, or if needbe fighting in a non lethal manner to protect oneself. Instead, some people who are too small, and actually think they're too big to run away, let a conflict escalate to a level thats unwarranted by the use of a gun.

me - off of soapbox now.

Umm no. Not everyone is a Bruce Lee wanna-be like you in their own minds. Some of us, myself and assumably Celerity included, just want peace and quiet.

Live and let live.

Now, if someone does indeed break the golden rule, then you MUST fuck with them back in a lethal manner.

Some of us just want to be left alone, in peace. Others wish to disturbe our peace and threaten our general safety by acting like a billy-bad ass. Therefore, whatever it takes to get the peace back, is what should be done.

If everyone in life did not wish to solve their problems by kicking in car doors, getting up in your face, trying to act like a bad ass, then motherfuckers wouldn't get shot.

Therefore, I am liberated in my actions by the simple fact that I am not looking for trouble and will go out of my way to avoid it. Not because I am a pussy, not because i am physically weak, but rather I do not want trouble with anyone. It is not worth it. But, if someone does come looking for trouble, they should expect to find it with me.

On a side note, I think women who are being stalked by guys.....should pay someone to find that guy and physically torture him.

People nowadays lack common sense. Sometimes, the only language they understand, is violence.

I think we need to start torturing criminals in this day and age. Things have become SO liberal, that they do not have any fear whatsoever, and will continue to comit crimes.

I bet you $1000 that if you let me inside a jail, and into a room with a convicted murder, I could convince him to change his ways by pulling out his fingernails and carving out his eyeballs. 4-5 hours and I would give the world the next mohatmas ghandi. is the ONLY lanuage some criminals understand nowadays.

Sometimes I wish I could be the warden of a prison. I would break even "human rights" law known to man. I would hire old viet-cong guys and some iraqi's to man my prison and "re-educate" the prisoners.
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Carry gun because carrying a cell phone to call the police just results in them bringing a body bag for you and your companion.

It's not a matter of carrying a firearm because you feel that we have an ego issue, small penis (It's always the penis with you) or need to be a tough guy. It's because the idea of "call for help" is more ridiculous to the self-defensable than the idea of "bring some mints and give it to them. Mentos, the Freshmaker". Real life doesn't allow time for the Police to show up.

Example: Want to eliminate Rape ? Give every woman a gun. If you don't want to give every woman a gun, than you're pro-rape.
I live in the woods and carry a gun, am I a dip-dunk too? :lol:

Pull it when your life is in danger, nuff said
"Real life doesn't allow time for the Police to show up."

The concept that the Constitution is severely outdated, is one that every politician in the United States Congress dreads. Consider the possibility that a public mandate comes through that forces ALL of North America (yes, including Canada) to revisit all these so-called "staples" of Human Rights.

Here's a really novel idea:

Hollywood re-writes bad scripts to counter the bad acting.
Why not have a re-write of the Constitution AND The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.... surprise, surprise.... By the people and For the people?
What this would serve the North American public with is what is more commonly known as the great "Equalizer"

If we are pro-active, then we have no-one to blame but ourselves.

I believe that the new "Constitutional Human Rights and Freedoms"
(working title)

..would provide people with the iron-clad right to show the respect for all Human life. Not to diminish your personal significance of the events of this weekend, HOWEVER, the fact remains that come tomorrow, we're ALL still going to read the same newspaper, and we're ALL still going hear the news, and we're ALL still going to be in some way impacted by what's going on elsewhere in the world.

People are still getting raped, beaten, forced, killed, enslaved, tortured and oppressed. And these people have no-one to turn to.

Guns ARE tools. They are a mechanical means to help make someone free. They might let someone see their child grow up. They might stop someone's grandmother from being burned alive. They might stop someone's wife or girlfriend from being raped. They might allow someone's baby to be born into a world where the parent's might not have to worry about whether that child will have parne'ts come the next day, the next hour, ...the next minute.

There is so much that I took a long hard look at and discovered to my own shock, that I take for granted every waking minute. My LIFE.

So, to anyone that says carrying a gun for personal safety of themselves and those around them is wrong. I politely beg to differ.
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Believe what you wish about people being too liberal and trying to disarm the country, but honestly in an idealistic society if everyone were dearmed, there would be a lot less problems. I hate to say it but look at Canada.

Man, do some research before you post this BS. Canada has more guns per capita than the United States. The only difference is that Canada requires the firearms to be registered. And how the hell are you gonna take all the criminals guns away? You cant. The only people who would actually surrender their guns are the people who dont commit gun crimes. The reality is, there will ALWAYS be people who abuse the power of firearms. The best way to deal with it is to arm law abiding citizens. You liberal pansies want the government to do everything for you. If Americans started taking care of themselves intead of relying on govt. institutions, think of how many problems we could eliminate (welfare, social security, etc.) Socialism is the bane of our modern society. It failed the USSR and it will fail America if we allow it to happen.
The Constitution and it's partner documents were created not to be adapted to changing times, but to ensure that in changing times certain things remained concrete. What good is a lawbook that is re-written whenever it conveniences "us" ? For the people, by the people, indeed. Not my people.

Also, only two people fear an armed populace: Criminals and Tyrants.
The Constitution and it's partner documents were created not to be adapted to changing times, but to ensure that in changing times certain things remained concrete. What good is a lawbook that is re-written whenever it conveniences "us" ? For the people, by the people, indeed. Not my people.

Organisms that are not suitably adapted to their environment will either have to move out of the habitat or die out. It is possible for an adaptation to be poorly selected, the advantage it confers over generations decreasing, up to and including the erstwhile adaptation becoming a hindrance to the species' long-term survival. -Wikipedia


(worth a read^^^^^) This site compares American and Canadian "democracy"
We must adapt or become extinct.
Except that the people in charge of ur so called "adaptations" are corrupt tyrants who put themselves into power through false elections. The only "adapting" they would do to the constitution would be to promote their own selfish agenda. There's a damn good reason, we have a constitutional right to bear arms, and that reason is so that citizens can overthrow the government when it becomes too powerful and corrupt. That's how this country started, and it WILL happen again. The government should fear it's citizens, not the vice versa.
Except that the people in charge of ur so called "adaptations" are corrupt tyrants who put themselves into power through false elections. The only "adapting" they would do to the constitution would be to promote their own selfish agenda. There's a damn good reason, we have a constitutional right to bear arms, and that reason is so that citizens can overthrow the government when it becomes too powerful and corrupt. That's how this country started, and it WILL happen again. The government should fear it's citizens, not the vice versa.

I like your point of view.....please subscribe me to your weekly newsletter.

and no, I'm not being sarcastic (had to say that because every other sentence out of my mouth is sarcasm).
im not shore if you guys understand this or not but in australia guns are a bit harder to get, second if i had a gun i would not have my current girlfriend and would not get into this situation( she is the worst driver )any othr girl would not pull out infront of a semi with two sea containers fully loaded barreling down the highway into a gap not big enough if it were a car let alone a truck, third i have a chance of getting this dick to pay for the damage (legally) if i shot him or even pulled a gun i would have a chance of getting raped in the arse in prison
:mellow: Sorry for thread jacking ur weekend adventure into a political argument. We Americans feel strongly about our guns.