My New Project Car Cx

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WTF DUDE!! Fucking Boston!! Damn noob ass ricer thieves!! My old CX used to get broken into every fricken week it seemed. Thank God for the autolock. I drive in the city for my job all the time. I'm always in Dorchester, Roxbury, downtown Boston so i'll definitely keep my eyes open.
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WTF DUDE!! Fucking Boston!! Damn noob ass ricer thieves!! My old CX used to get broken into every fricken week it seemed. Thank God for the autolock. I drive for my job in the city all the time. I'm always in Dorchester, Roxbury, downtown Boston so i'll definitely keep my eyes open.

Noooo......its catch them in the act, shoot them in their knees, piss on their face, then drop them off in the middle of the desert! I hate hearing these theft stories! The people who steal these project builds have no idea how much thought and pride really go into a car.All they see is $$$$$$$$$.FUCKERS!Thats why I installed 3 hidden kill switches, clutch pedel lock, brake pedel lock, and finally my steering wheel lock.It sucks I have to do it every time park.But I still have my honda!
Noooo......its catch them in the act, shoot them in their knees, piss on their face, then drop them off in the middle of the desert! I hate hearing these theft stories! The people who steal these project builds have no idea how much thought and pride really go into a car.All they see is $$$$$$$$$.FUCKERS!Thats why I installed 3 hidden kill switches, clutch pedel lock, brake pedel lock, and finally my steering wheel lock.It sucks I have to do it every time park.But I still have my honda!

you do that too?
Now you just have to worry about towing? :ph34r:
Thats why I installed 3 hidden kill switches, clutch pedel lock, brake pedel lock, and finally my steering wheel lock.It sucks I have to do it every time park.But I still have my honda!

all by yourself.....shit i call for a thread on how to do it.....

this fucking sucks bro but hopefully youll see something back from insurance (already posted on your other threada)
Yeah, it did get stolen right. Did you call around to any local tow yards. It could have been the fact that it was the first tim eon the street and thats when they so happened to see it and towed it?
Yeah, it did get stolen right. Did you call around to any local tow yards. It could have been the fact that it was the first tim eon the street and thats when they so happened to see it and towed it?

Any story is better then the story about your project being stolen?

I don't get what you're saying!

The morning it was gone i called the cops and they gave 3 tow company numbers to call to make sure that it wasn't just towed. I called them and they didn't have it. Honestly i don't understand what you mean by "Any story is better then the story about your project being stolen?". Can you explain it to me?
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No disrespect man. I didnt know that you had already called the tow yards. What I meant by story was that the tow company had it and that was the story instead of it getting it stolen. Sorry for the confusion.Hope it gets found soon.
Yeah, too bad bro....Hope you at least get a rolling platform back from impound.If anything,you get clean slate for the next project. Keep your head up!.....And as for the 3 kill switches. It only works if u have aftermarket ignition,or if u know what wires to spice into your harness.Simple really, use toggle switches between cdi box & external coil wire leads.
Yeah, too bad bro....Hope you at least get a rolling platform back from impound.If anything,you get clean slate for the next project. Keep your head up!.....And as for the 3 kill switches. It only works if u have aftermarket ignition,or if u know what wires to spice into your harness.Simple really, use toggle switches between cdi box & external coil wire leads.

Well, thanks bro and to all of you that helped all the way during this project and for all your kind words, but after what hapened i'm out of the Honda world. I'll be watching but not building or having any more honda. I'm planing on geting myself a kia or a neon . It was great being an Honda owner.:)

Thanks;) !
Man that sucks, another person shyed away from hondas because of stupid llittle fucktards that dont know how to keep their hands to them fucking selves. This is the shit that pisses me off on a daily basis. Sorry for your loss man.
Herd that! I can feel his pain.....I've been fucked-over myself (stolen dirt bike, 3 high dollar radios...out of my honda!.It really messes with your head! But I've said it once..I'll say it again "WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND"!They'll get theirs....Sad day in the "Honda World".....-1