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  1. wildbillhatchbac

    asshat from the 350Z baord made a neat video

    what a freakin idiot! this is one of the most well known uncut driving films of all time. The first of its kind. and this moron is trying to claim its his? I own this dvd and recognized it right away. The reality of no special effects, edits, or blocking off streets is awesome. There...
  2. wildbillhatchbac

    pocket bikes, XR50's & Quads -- stuntin'

    I LOVE TOYS! haha the pocket bikes are way to much fun. I'm just happy I have such a great riding buddy (good game)
  3. wildbillhatchbac

    pocket bike fun :)

    pictures of me on one wheel with my feet on the pegs coming soon. . . still workin on it, but i know i'll get it down :mrgreen:
  4. wildbillhatchbac

    snow tires and rotas are here :)

    sweet wheels man lets see if i can scratch'em a little on saturday :mrgreen:
  5. wildbillhatchbac

    Son, 15, accused of killing mother

    I read the whole thing, and I have ADD haha yeah definitly a messed up situation but i can't say its the worst I've heard I blam Bush and his bible humpers . . . HAHA just kidding E :P
  6. wildbillhatchbac

    Theres a New CRX in the making!

    whats up bitches . . . wildbill bimmer is back! but I ain't no holla back girl . . . that shits bananas B A N A N A S . . . so yeah everything Esolsi said is totally true and even if it wasn't true I would defend to my death his right to say it. so go by a 88 dx CRX and put a home depot intake...
  7. wildbillhatchbac

    Limerock Event pics 5-28-05

    back home, sun burnt, absolutly incredible weekend, if you didnt make it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (thanks for the copy and paste E) so Brian where's the video dude?
  8. wildbillhatchbac

    Not mine, but ill rub it in anyways

    i got 13 lifts to use :P and its available to me after 5pm til whenever and saturdays . . . and sundays if i really wanted to use it but who wants to work on cars 7 days a week.
  9. wildbillhatchbac

    project: pissedoffhatch begins

    werd, nice setup, i love hondas that stay true to their roots, NA and a stupid redline :)
  10. wildbillhatchbac

    US gov't to mandate tire pressure monitors

    its for the stupid SUVs that are taking over the roads. because people are retarded and lazy or are to stupid to learn how to check tire pressures and adjust them once in a while so your good for nothing gas hog of an SUV flips over while your bringing your son to soccer practice. and guess...
  11. wildbillhatchbac

    looking to be another busy weekend.

    swapping pistons . . . this does not require removing the crank pulley or the clutch/trans. but removing wrist pins requires a few special tools and a press.
  12. wildbillhatchbac

    Formula D Drift April 16th

    Damn dude i would love to go to that but i'm gonna be in PA on the yamaha that weekend. let me know when there's another one coming up.
  13. wildbillhatchbac

    License Plates

    :worthy: 3MTA3 figure it out
  14. wildbillhatchbac

    what to run this year for autox...

    this was just a joke, i know Brian appreciates my help and wasn't trying to take any credit away or anything. He helps me out with stuff too. Thanks bro for everything you've done for me. I hope you know i appreciate it all as i know you appreciate the help i give you. Shit i think it was...
  15. wildbillhatchbac

    what to run this year for autox...

    Thats my favorite part. i spend my valuable time helping a friend with the knowlege i have and thats the thanks i get. :thankyousigna2:
  16. wildbillhatchbac

    today's stupid joke

    werd ok heres another So it was a night in 1957 and a nice young man goes to pick up his date in his car. He gets to the house and the father says "Sue isn't ready yet but come on in". so he sits down and talks to her father. The father asks what the are going to do. The boy tells him...
  17. wildbillhatchbac

    A present to pissedoffsol

    yeah thats me!
  18. wildbillhatchbac

    A present to pissedoffsol

    ok kids get your money together . . . i need $20 sent to paypal account so i can buy this t-shirt for B
  19. wildbillhatchbac

    March 12th, 2005....First Slide @ E-town

    damn y0 ! its this coming weekend! i need some tires :imgone:
  20. Try your Search on Google
