Not mine, but ill rub it in anyways

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Senior Member
haha, saw that a few of you guys wanted lifts.


na na na na na na..... i get to use it whenever i want. :ph34r:

its in my buddies garage, but he lives 2 blocks away, oil changes and tire changes soo fast.

IS300 header change. w/ jackstands = 2-4 hours
w/ lift = 1 hour

i didnt realize how cheap lifts are. and B, if you can afford an Sti then you can afford this.

Bend Pak, 9000lbs, $2999
haha......i got 8 lifts in my garage :p

of course the garage is actually the Air Forces garage and i can't work on my car in that garage, :( but ohh well......once again here come the tears, i want one in my own garage.
when i buy my hjouse, i will have thatin my garage. but for now, with the hood up, it practically hits the ceiling when its on the jackstands two teeth up... :(
Originally posted by adidas_man@Apr 20 2005, 04:58 PM
haha......i got 8 lifts in my garage :p

of course the garage is actually the Air Forces garage and i can't work on my car in that garage, :( but ohh well......once again here come the tears, i want one in my own garage.
[post=489373]Quoted post[/post]​

hey, same here, i know how you feel, using someone elses pit. but you gotta admit its great to have something to use than nothing at all :)
Originally posted by Smonkeyboy@Apr 21 2005, 03:36 PM
whats wrong with bend pack? i know its not matco, but its what every shop around here has.
[post=489679]Quoted post[/post]​

Bend Pack.....mull those two words over for a while.

I'd draw you a picture but I'd get suspended again.
actually, they bend pak lifts have some of the best safety features available... I have NEVER heard of anybody having problems with them. When I build my garage, i'll do something like a bend pak lift.

Maybe you just dont like it because its not a "JDM" lift or something like that. :|
Oh my freakin' god, are you guys really not getting it?




As will said... He's referring to how the word "bend" and "pak" are homosexual. Hints the emoticon he used. The guy must be a flamer and the people who didnt see it... are plain idiots.

i got 13 lifts to use :p and its available to me after 5pm til whenever and saturdays . . . and sundays if i really wanted to use it but who wants to work on cars 7 days a week.
not me.

I'm sure I could build one if I found all the right parts. I'm gonna settle for a new chain hoist in my garage I'm gonna build.

A lift would be better, but for the cost, I'd need to work on cars a lot more. With the gear I have at work, I could set my car on top of a building. :shrug2:
I'd buy one if I made more money by working on cars every weekend.