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  • Users: VTECin5th
  • Content: Threads
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  1. VTECin5th

    Want to buy my Wisdom Teeth?

    I just had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Took them about 30 seconds to pull all 4... and i can't smoke. Anyone know how to safely smoke without getting dry socket? My mouth is already sore, and they only gave me Vicodin.. WTF?!! I'm bleeding all over too, it's funny as hell, i can't feel my lip so...
  2. VTECin5th

    Cold? Starting problem??

    Hmm, so I'm having some starting problems, it might be on warm starts too, but i don't drive my car in the day, only at night. When i start it, it will turn over and start almost, then it falls on it's face and acts like a stall, but then when i start it again, it starts up fine. It's only...
  3. VTECin5th

    Wow..Super GoCart

    :o I am impressed, looks like a clean swap :laugh:
  4. VTECin5th

    How's the weather today?

    How's the weather where everyone lives? Right now it's 5pm here, at 84 degrees partly high clouds... it's nice today, it got up to 90. That is a lil warm for our november, but all in all, it's still better than 120.
  5. VTECin5th

    Best Go-Ped ev4r!y0ne!

    yea, so i am somewhat proud of this story, and somewhat embarassed too :| My friend has a couple of little brothers who found a Go-Ped at a yardsale for $8. They figured we could get it fixed, so they bought it and brought it to us. So i met him at his house, and i saw them riding it already...
  6. VTECin5th

    101 pictures of Phoenix to Sedona run...

    Fixed the pictures. Picz0rs It was a good time, nice weather this year too. I have about 20 minutes of video, but i need to upload that later, when im not lazy.
  7. VTECin5th

    MySpace owned.. again?...

    So, i was looking at a friend's profile, and my picture was set to some gay white kid pointing or somethin, i thought hmm that was weird... so i sourced the page. Didn't see anything weird offhand... then a few minutes later i realized what was going on. I won't say how the call is being made...
  8. VTECin5th

    MY* cousin went to NO to 'clean'

    So my cousin called me yesterday to tell me he went to New Orleans to help 'clean up'. Apparently, alot of people know about this, of course, i didn't. He is removing trees and brush, and making $500-$3000 in CASH PER DAY. He said i should go and do drywall since they make the same or more, and...
  9. VTECin5th

    More pics, new camera...his n hers

    Still learning the features of my new 5mp camera, but so far i like it for $120. Picz0rs Thieves suck :cry:
  10. VTECin5th

    AcuraBot.... ? :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  11. VTECin5th

    Digital Camcorder Review

    So since i'm poor my GF bought us a digital camcorder. I didn't need to get too high end, but wanted digitalness and good quality. I ended up getting the Panasonic GS19 ( Overall it's pretty nice for the walmart cost of...
  12. VTECin5th

    Anyone else woot?

    Just wonderin if anyone else shops on They sell all kinds of crap at cheap prices... if you haven't been there, you should go. It's usually name brand stuff too. One item per day, until it's sold out, usually within an hour. I bought an external HP DuaLayer DVD writer for $40 (i had a...
  13. VTECin5th

    I'm going back to school?.... she immediately calls me and says "Don't leave yet!" So I'm like :cry: She wants me to stay here because her lawyers told her that they can *MOST LIKELY* get me some money since i have been the primary care provider (for a long time). Sure, yay, woohoo, money is great, we are poor...
  14. VTECin5th

    I think the new forum version is brok3n..?

    Yea so i went to check 'See all posts made by xxxxxxx' Anyways every post made with a quote is broken and the very bottom of the page is inside a floating quote box instead of displaying on the page. Anyone else have that problem, or is it just my computer being teh suck? Here's a link...
  15. VTECin5th

    CT driver own3d

    Anyone else see that a train ran over a car in CT? I'll post a pic if i can find it... i guess it just happened within the last 2 hours?
  16. VTECin5th

    post pics of your girl

    Reiko's resurrection was shot down and for good reason. :laugh: As advised, here's a new thread for it. I think the OG format was: <- Poor <- Wakes up and goes to work <- Works 3rd shift <- Poor <- Spends money on mom's bills and his own :cry: <- Loves his car <- Has a Girlfriend who does...
  17. VTECin5th

    My first non-repost picture!

    Damn i work nights and everyday around this time i get :blink: So i leave you all with my new picture feel free to add a 'playground dinosaur riding' fat guy on it. Good nite :)
  18. VTECin5th

    People who know more than I....

    ...and see if we have a die already made, and i may be able to get some IC piping pressed out for ub3r cheap. Is it typically expensive anyways? Sorry i suck at google today :( ... was that a coincidence that the little giant ad was up top right after i posted this? :ph34r: :ph34r: Google > *^*
  19. VTECin5th

    My VTEC is quiet now...

    Hmm, well last nite we put a test pipe on my 95 coupe+b16a2 with intake. Now you can BARELY BARELY hear my VTEC cross over in 1st gear, 2nd is a lil more noticable, and i haven't been on the freeway yet to see about the rest. I don't really mind that it doesn't go BWWWAAAAAAAA anymore, less...
  20. VTECin5th

    My TYC Review with pics...

    So for my birthday [the 11th] i ordered some TYC 1 pc black projectors, since my old ones broke every week. So far i am extremely extremely very very happy with them. The light output is at minimum, %1200 better than the Gen3s i had. The fitment is also better, altho in the pics it looks like it...
  21. Try your Search on Google
