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  1. Capt. Orygun

    Peta kids campaign

    Maybe someone should file a class cation law suit claiming American mothers have been defamed
  2. Capt. Orygun

    kiss your 4th amendment goodbye

    It will end when they try and take guns. Conservatives/Gun rights advocates will declare war and liberals will do what they do best. Retreat and surrender
  3. Capt. Orygun

    kiss your 4th amendment goodbye

    for now I did not speak ... First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Communist, Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the workers, members of the trade unions; I didn't...
  4. Capt. Orygun

    kiss your 4th amendment goodbye

    Let's pool our money, hire a Blackwater platoon, and have them stand guard as we light up in their city park
  5. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    aww the famous words of my goduncle
  6. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    lol nice try at a loop hole. You need a bit more then a synonym to absolve this
  7. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    yes it is, by members of the Judaical branch of government, specifically judges The Executive branch, as per Celerity's Supreme Court ruling, cannot legally postpone or delay Habeas Corpus
  8. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    As with Bush, I would stop well short of "evil" with Obama. It's just a bit to charged for me. But, this is 100%, no doubt about it illegal. It violates Habeas Corpus, it's a violation of a Supreme Court Ruling, and it's the Executive Branch overreaching it's powers. That's basically the...
  9. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    just because it's temparary doesn't mean it isn't a violation If I just want to drive 120MPH for 5 min it's still against the law
  10. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    Well there's your change America we've went from Bush arguably endangering Habius Corpus to Obama clearly violating the same.
  11. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    it's the opposite, according to this order, obama doesn't even want them tried
  12. Capt. Orygun

    Obama suspends Habius Corpus at GITMO

    Obama put out an executive order stopping all GITMO activity, including legal proceedings which are ongoing. The judge presiding over the trail of a suspect being tried for the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen says "sorry, not gonna do it" Military Judge Refuses to Halt Trial of USS Cole...
  13. Capt. Orygun

    Iran to produce Nuke this year, what's congress doing?

    It just might, but that is their job regardless I'm tired of the Executive office acting like the Imperial office and I'm tired of the Legislative office acting like Capital Hill: FBI Annex The dems in the Senate run a real risk. They can get away with blaming the economic crisis on Bush...
  14. Capt. Orygun

    Zombies on the morning commute - Hackers Crack Into Texas Road Sign, Warn of Zombies Ahead - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
  15. Capt. Orygun

    Iran to produce Nuke this year, what's congress doing?

    Clinton was impeached for purgery, gloabal popular opinion does not trump the US legal system, I wish you liberals would understand that I'm not referring to anyone particular investigation, I'm referring to the never ending investigations based off of charges made by politicians who either...
  16. Capt. Orygun

    Iran to produce Nuke this year, what's congress doing?

    I've been complaining about the Congress's inaction since the dems took over and transitioned the legislative branch away from law making and into the business of "Special Investigations" which is an over glorified term for a witch hunt on conservatives I'm not blaming Obama for this. At this...
  17. Capt. Orygun

    Iran to produce Nuke this year, what's congress doing?

    Iran, who has described Israel as a "One Nuke State", who's written government charter includes the destruction of Israel, will have a Nuke by years end - Iran Capable of Producing Nuclear Bomb 'This Year' - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News...
  18. Capt. Orygun

    Most boring sport to watch...ever

    any sport where you stop for tea should be banned
  19. Capt. Orygun

    Most boring sport to watch...ever

    curling is wosre
  20. Capt. Orygun

    How to be original on a forum

    YouTube - Red vs. Blue PSA #36: First! why yes new user, I'd love to show you the ropes BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  21. Try your Search on Google
