Zombies on the morning commute

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hopefully theres a barns n nobles near by so those pushing forth could stop and pick up one of these..

that is 100% win and awesome :lmao:

At least the guy had a sense of humor about it. I'm sure I would laugh hysterically if I saw that.


good thing E didn't see this sign


Max brooks came to my school this past year. Awesome speaker

thats awesome :thumbsup: i love his writing style and would love to hear him talk
Awesome. I wish I had been there to see it! And I was pretty close to Austin last weekend too...
to bad i-hacked let the information out.. could you image a wide spread zombie alert message. coordinated... "Earth Stops here" would have been classic... though maybe a little to real.. terrorist attack comes to mind.
I picked up Call of Duty World at War just so I can practice my team zombie slaying skills with friends and family. That is good stuff, and I think I have the next book I am going to read selected....