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  • Users: Drake
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Drake

    V.P. Joe "Foot in my Mouth" Biden - Language Warning

    The latest from our hipster V.P. There is profanity in this video. YouTube - Joe Biden "Big Fucking Deal" Uncensored
  2. Drake

    Did Activision kill the Call of Duty Franchise?

    Check this out. Activision's New Plans For Call of Duty Include New Developer, New Genres - Infinity Ward - Kotaku So this whole thing started last night. Apparently the two heads of IW went to a meeting at Activision and didnt come back. Security showed up at the IW offices and put the...
  3. Drake

    R.I.P. J.D. Salinger

    Author J.D. Salinger dies at 91 - Catcher in the Rye is one of my most favorite books.
  4. Drake

    Zune Update Today

    If you use Zune software on PC or Xbox the service is undergoing 24 hours of maintence begining today. Thought I would share this tid bit with the other two people that actually have a Zune here.
  5. Drake

    Todays Lame Joke - Pope Visits Alaska

    The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska . He was cruising along the campground in the Pope Mobile when he heard a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless Democrat wearing shorts, sandals, a "Vote for Obama" hat and a "Save...
  6. Drake

    Thoughts and Prayers Welcome

    Two very good friends of mine and their family are having a pretty rough time right now. There older sister is missing/lost on Mt. Hood with another person. The third person on their trip was already found dead yesterday. Anyway, if any of you are so inclined send some good energy their way...
  7. Drake

    Happy Veterans Day

    Thank you to all of you who have served, and thanks to those of you who have loved ones and family members who have served. Thank you for standing watch over us as if you are the shepherd and we are the sheep. Thank you to those that have lost their lives so we may remain free. Thank you all so...
  8. Drake

    New and Upcomming Games

    What games are you excited about waiting to be released or just released? On any platform for that matter. Also if you have recently picked up a new game post up a quick and dirty review. Im pumped about MW 2 of course, Forza 3 and have been wanting to check out Borderlands. I really haven't...
  9. Drake

    Gamefly Used Game Sale

    Here is a list of 360, PS3 and Wii games that are being sold by Gamefly for damn cheap. Not to many mind blowing titles but a few that are worth the 8 bucks. GameFly Under $20 Used Game Blowout Sale - Cheap Ass Gamer - Cheap Video Game Shopping, Video Game Sales and Video Game Deals: CAG
  10. Drake

    XBL Preview Program 2 Sign up suckas.
  11. Drake

    Google Wave

    Anyone get into the limited preview? Are they doing invites with Wave? If so I would take one ;) Not really sure what it would be good for but I figured it may be worth checking out.
  12. Drake


    Patrick Swayze at age 57
  13. Drake

    RIP Les Paul

    R.I.P Mr. Paul
  14. Drake

    XBL Preview Program

    Anyone get into it? I just got my notification email 2 minutes ago. I am plannin on updating this evening. Will post my impressions.
  15. Drake

    Chrome OS

    Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS Who didnt see this one comming? It appears to be Chrome the browser on crack. Anyone see any potential legal consequences comming up from this? Or is it a non issue because chances are Chrome OS will get 1.2% market share.
  16. Drake

    Bing; Anyone used it?

    I have been using Bing the last couple of days and it seems to be working pretty well for the most part. I am not sure how you extensively test out a search engine but whatever I am looking for Bing brings it up. The layout and such is pretty slick. It auto playing a portion of any video you are...
  17. Drake

    New Toy

    Anyone know what it is? :ph34r:
  18. Drake

    Vulcan Meanstreak

    Here are a couple of shots I took of my old mans tank that my younger brother is painting. There is still a little more clear he needs to lay. Plus a few shots of his seats that he had recovered. Amazingly it only cost 60 bucks to have his seat done. Ill get some better pictures here soon.
  19. Drake

    Windows 7 Beta

    Anyone played with it yet? Im about half way though the download right now. I should have it up and running this evening. Ill keep everyone posted.
  20. Drake

    Anyone else with a Zune 30

    Title pretty much sums it up. Anyone's Zune 30 get bent over today? I am going to be pissed if they offer a "free exchange" because I bought the Halo 3 edition Zune, and I am not giving this shit up.
  21. Try your Search on Google
