R.I.P. J.D. Salinger

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the only reason i know who that is is because i read conspiracy books. catcher is used as a control in a few of them.
do you know why they claim that they use Catcher as a control? It pretty ironic in some ways.
The kid in the book hates authority. He gets kicked out of school and does his own thing for a few days, swears, drinks, tries to do a hooker. So the ironic part is that The Man uses this book that is all about raging against the machine as it where. That's my take on it anyway. It's a damn good book at any rate. It is to bad he didn't write any other novels.
Not much of a book reader, which is a character flaw, I'm certain. I have a thousand books I'd love to read but I just don't have the attention span or patience to do so.


Good that he lived a nice, long life.
Not much of a book reader, which is a character flaw, I'm certain. I have a thousand books I'd love to read but I just don't have the attention span or patience to do so.

I read 1 novel every three months. I only read in the bathroom...so i get about 5-6 pages a dump.
I read 2 books a month on average, three of four from time to time even. I love me some reading. Lately it's been a lot of military non fiction. Mainly OIF/OEF and Vietnam stuff.
The kid in the book hates authority. He gets kicked out of school and does his own thing for a few days, swears, drinks, tries to do a hooker. So the ironic part is that The Man uses this book that is all about raging against the machine as it where. That's my take on it anyway. It's a damn good book at any rate. It is to bad he didn't write any other novels.

Actually he wrote quite a few other novels, I have 3 of them. They're nothing like CITR though.
He lived up here. Apprently locals knew where he lived but would not reveal his location to tourists or autograph seekers. I think that is pretty cool. Of course, that is the NH way...MYOMFB lol