1/4 Mile TImes on engines

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What would some 1/4 Mile times be for each engine with these mods.

ZC with cams, Headers, Intake, Exhaust???
B18 with Headers Intake and Exhaust???

Cause i heard even tho the b18a ( 92-93) has alot more tourqe and a few more ponies, it wont beat the ZC by much in the 1/4. I am also only gunna use the 92-93 engine b/c it has 10 more hp than the 90-91 and a few more lbs of torque.
Well if it is a ZC in a semi vs a B18 in a old Mini, I'd have to go with the semi.

Seriously, there is no way to gauge a quarter mile time-too many factors can influence it. Best answer is somewhere between 10 and 30 seconds. What car? Traction? Driver experience? Car weight? No way to guess a good time based on numbers on paper..
ZC with cams, Headers, Intake, Exhaust???
B18 with Headers Intake and Exhaust???

Those mods in a 90 CRX Si, Gutted. Decent driver.Just asking for ur times with a similar swap. No LSD. Just Lowered with Proxie T1-S's.

How aggressive are the cams? The guy who used to own my ZC ran a 14.7@93 with cams on the ZC in a gutted 90 Civic DX, open pipe, so you would probably be low 15s due to the weight difference.

As for the B18 I would probably say somewhere closer to 14.2-14.5...just a guesstimation..
Originally posted by SleEPeR_CRX@Dec 23 2002, 02:56 AM
ZC with cams, Headers, Intake, Exhaust???
B18 with Headers Intake and Exhaust???

what are you planning to do with the 2 extra headers you have lying around?

honda's and ALL i4 motors have 1 header.