1996 Integra Build (B18B1)

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cams swap quick. i'd be weary about whatever else they did wrong though if they put the exhaust cam in the intake side. I'd bring it back to them and make them fix it so you're not responsible if it blows up on start up.

mounts, just getting the parts will be the hard part.
Its ok my first frankenstein zc/a1 engine I assembled the entire engine assembly and adjusted the valves, and realized when I went to install the valve cover all the cam caps were for a browntop motor not blacktop and bolts were nowhere near lined up
I'm worried about cam install too. Where they switched and/or put on 180° off?

I would ask their step by step preferences for 1st start up too. CYA. Cover Your Ass.
Agreed - CAM's are pretty basic and for a shop to screw it up. That's reason to check and double check everything. It more or less wreaks of inexperienced hands or experienced hands with some kind of distractions going on.
At least cams isnt a huge fuck up really , id pull cams (you can easily diy) , check head bolt tq , re-assemble

So much more going on under the head and/or how it has been bolted down. It's like an iceberg and the majority of its mass being under the surface. If the cam install is the only mistake....then it's not that big of a deal.
My brother helped me swap them out last night since I was a little leery of doing it myself and it went good. @CAFROG I like the CYA idea, I'll make sure to do that.
So quick question thats kind of important:
I'm getting the motor ready to go in the car and I was sizing up my mounts and stuff (bought new ones) and they're loose on the rods. I didnt take these mounts off the first time, so my question: is there an insert that goes inside the torque mount to make the rod fit snug to the mount? Or is it something else
you mean on the bolt? not sure what you mean by rods.

what mounts do you have? oem?
@Briansol Yeah OEM mounts. I mean bolt, i was talking to someone earlier who called them rods but yeah it's just a bot that goes through the torque mount and attaches to a brace thats on the motor the mount is loose on the bolt. Someone thats built a b18 (@Matts96HB) cough cough should be able to decipher my awful explanation of the issue.
Sorry I'm just now seeing this, work is crazy lately. But I agree with B. The stock mounts have a lot of play in them. Rev the engine with the hood open and you'll see. Lol
Maybe I'm wrong (and I hope I am) but I'm worried Xanatos is saying the bolt itself is wiggling inside the metal sleeve on the mount. There should be a little play but I just wondering how much movement there is. Maybe the wrong size bolt? Or am I thinking about the wrong mount? Or I'm just wrong on whole other level? :hmm:
Well these freaking mounts keep being weird. I replaced 1/3 of the frame rail and core support on the front end of the vehicle with a used section from a junk yard (a while ago, before i even started on the motor) and it has these patches that go in between the bolt holes for the torque mounts. I noticed these being different when my dad went to weld the new sections of rail on but I didnt make the connection till now. Those little patches are directly in the way of the torque mounts so I was wondering if there was a model of Integra (maybe the RS? Idk) that didnt have torque mounts. The holes are still there for the mounts so I'm just going to get in there with an air chisel and pop the patches off to make room I was just curious.
Oh btw I set the motor yesterday


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They all have 'em.

they aren't really necessary. if you have the big 3 (tranny, block side, rear) you can drive it. The other guys are just extra support. With hasports mounts in my old car, i didn't even bother with the helpers....
I agree. They aren't needed if you have the Hasports or even OEM. I only have 3 mounts for my set up too. I was confused on the mounts you were referring to.
Wait, there's more than 3 mounts? lol (sarcasm, i only had 3 in my b16 as well)
Well we're past the mount phase. I've been meaning to update I've just been lazy. So the motor is in, the intake manifold is on, the fuel rail is on, and I'm getting closer. Wiring is a pain in the dick but it is what it is. Found the wires that went to my speedometer still on the harness (thank god) and re set those. So far its coming together, my brother and dad have been really helpful throughout the whole process. I installed a fuel pressure regulator that came with the parts when I bought the vehicle. The next thing to do after I finish the wiring is sandblast the front suspension (i think its the knuckle that needs it) and I hate the sandbox so I've been dragging my feet on that. It's looking like a complete engine bay again though so I'm really excited. Question for you guys... Theres this thing and I don't know what it is. It plugs in to the factory harness near the fire wall but I cant figure out where it bolts or what it does.