2035, we're done.

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I believe in god, just not the bible.

I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster


For those unfamiliar, it's amazing how much it's taken off lately. The Venganza forums are absolutely jumping.

The Great Cookbook is actually being written, too. The Pesto Manifesto, The Book of Fearsome Pirate Pete, all the great tomes are being collected and merged to create our 'bible'.

And four great monsters came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

The first was like a pirate, and had parrot's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were spread, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and mans' booty was given to it.

And behold another, a second, like to a serpent, and it was the Dragon, Atkins, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

After this I beheld, and lo another, like a midget, which had upon the back of it a mountain and some trees; the midget had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.

After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth monster, flying and invisible, and tasty exceedingly; and it had great sauces of pesto: it hovered and brake in pieces, and stamped garlic-bread residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the monsters that were before it; and it had ten noodley appendages.

I considered the noodley appendages, and, behold, there came up among them another little noodley appendage, before whom there were two meatballs: and, behold, in these noodles were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

This is the most beautiful religion, Ever. I hold this above Buddhism, Dao and Shintoism. It makes perfect sense.
I've never, ever ever said anything about the bible jokes, the jesus jokes, the God jokes.

I'm a pretty peaceful person, and I believe in what I believe in and I don't try to convince other people that what I believe in is right.

But in the same sense, calling the bible a fictional work is not only extremely hurtful to me, it's untrue. I know the entire history of the biblical texts, where they came from, how long ago they were written, etc etc. They were not just maded up by the Roman Catholic church to suit their needs hundreds of years ago. The stories have historical background, have been discovered, and dated, etc etc.

This is what I mean though, I can say all of this, but all of you still won't believe in a word of it. And that's fine, that's the way things have been and will always be in relation to God and religion. But in the same sense could we avoid making snide remarks or jokes about God, The Bible, the Gospel's or whatever other religious reference you can think of. It's not cute, funny or catchy to say something like "Jesus tapdancing christ" etc. It may not be disrespectful to your beliefs but it may be very hurtful for others.

Please just keep that in mind. I've never, nor will I ever be a bible thumper with you guys, because that's not the type of person I am. But I, and anyone else who takes offense to the things that get spewn into these forums concerning religion, would really appreciate you all having the same respect for us.

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I've never, ever ever said anything about the bible jokes, the jesus jokes, the God jokes.

I'm a pretty peaceful person, and I believe in what I believe in and I don't try to convince other people that what I believe in is right.

But in the same sense, calling the bible a fictional work is not only extremely hurtful to me, it's untrue. I know the entire history of the biblical texts, where they came from, how long ago they were written, etc etc. They were not just maded up by the Roman Catholic church to suit their needs hundreds of years ago. The stories have historical background, have been discovered, and dated, etc etc.

This is what I mean though, I can say all of this, but all of you still won't believe in a word of it. And that's fine, that's the way things have been and will always be in relation to God and religion. But in the same sense could we avoid making snide remarks or jokes about God, The Bible, the Gospel's or whatever other religious reference you can think of. It's not cute, funny or catchy to say something like "Jesus tapdancing christ" etc. It may not be disrespectful to your beliefs but it may be very hurtful for others.

Please just keep that in mind. I've never, nor will I ever be a bible thumper with you guys, because that's not the type of person I am. But I, and anyone else who takes offense to the things that get spewn into these forums concerning religion, would really appreciate you all having the same respect for us.

No, i don't agree to let you dictate my life, whether it be online or not.
You don't KNOW anything other than what you want to believe and/or were taught, and chose to believe.
You weren't there, i wasn't there blah blah blah.
You don't like it, don't read it. <- Same thing i did after page 2 of the bible.

Edit: that came off harsher than i wanted it to, i am not trying to be disrespectful to you or anyone, but this is life.
I'm just not going to pussy-foot around, wondering if it's ok if i say something.
I'm not ASKING to dictate your life, I'm asking for .1% of respect when it comes to my beliefs

but ya know what- too much to ask for, so nevermind
yeah, i think its time for an evac.

While I don't remotely agree with Corie's beliefs, i do agree that we need to be a little more tolerant to others' on the forum.

opened because theres something that i had to say that was bothering me.

gravity is not caused by the forces between 2 objects. gravity is a result of the mass of an object itself.

there is a gravitational attraction between 2 objects though, and that attraction is a result of the gravity, not vice versa.

ok re-locked
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